Daily Dose of Music – Decade

At the risk of making it look like I’m writing a MUSIC blog, or more likely a Melissa Ferrick blog, I’m writing another entry about music and Ferrick. I’m going to try really hard not to post about music (or Melissa) until at least after Christmas. Surely I can hold out a couple of weeks, can’t I? Maybe write about gay marriage or queer blogs or why boys are smelly but smell is no the prime indication that you are a boy or have a boy or maybe even that us/them piece about homeschool and school at home? Surely. But until then, Melissa it is.

Awhile back I talked about ordering two copies of Melissa’s DVD, Decade. Well I did and they arrived on Saturday to applause and whistles. Well no, not really, but Michelle did jump up and down and say “Thank you Mommy” about ten times. Which is high praise from an almost 16 year old.

Michelle and the half kid who half lives with us watched “her” copy upstairs and TW and I watched “our” copy in the bedroom on TW’s laptop (first time we’ve ever watched a DVD on a laptop in bed). It was cool, the DVD not the DVD on laptop watching part.

Really interesting to see Melissa and her “big break” – opening for Morrissey when she was 23 and unknown. How young and out of place she looked at the photo shoot, the makeup, the hair, the kiss Atlantic record executive butt nervousness. No wonder she was less than clean at that time of her life. And “Happy Song”, gosh I apologize for ever making fun of it or giggling about it (but I won’t apologize for having giggled and laughed at “Favorite Person in the World” cause that’s just one weird song for MF, ya know?)

From her big break to WAR to Right On Records and Brian – man I miss Brian. That’s pretty much what the entire second part of the DVD had me saying. I felt like a broken record. I miss Brian. I miss Brian. I miss Brian. I hope Brian Winton is doing a vanity search and comes across this post so he knows I MISS BRIAN. Pretty amusing and amazing watching MF and Brian setting up the studio at her parents’ house (too bad there wasn’t more footage of mom and dad, ya know?) and thinking about Valentine Heartache coming out of that big event. Cool, really cool.

Melissa – Decade was worth waiting for. I’m glad I bought two copies and I’m probably going to go ahead and order that third copy, just in case something happens to these two…

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