My parents, they did it again

A long, long time ago I blogged about my parents and the weird cosmic tie they seem to have, even though they’ve been divorced for a lifetime. Since then, I haven’t had much more to report on the cosmic weirdness level. They have continued to call me almost always on the same day but otherwise, no new weirdness. Until today.

First, my mother sent me videos via email. I don’t believe she has ever sent me video before. In fact I am sure she hasn’t. Then, about an hour later, I walked out the mailbox and guess what was waiting… yep, video from my dad. He has also never sent me video, well wait. He did send me DVDs of old videos from my childhood but that’s different.

Weird. Very weird.

3 thoughts on “My parents, they did it again”

  1. @ Mel: Scientists don’t get this kind of thing. For a scientist, if it can’t be proven (with the VERY limited scientific tools that exist today), it’s not real.

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