Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy

This afternoon, while rebooting, I went to the back room and stood at the doors looking at what little bit of sun shines on us here in Glenview. TW’s sister called and she went into the office to talk to her. Suddenly, I hear some other voice. And TW talking to this other voice. And I start thinking, “what are the kids doing here???” Then I hear TW call my name. I come out and I realize it isn’t the kids, it’s JOY!

I grabbed the dog from TW who was still talking to her sister, and then invited Joy into the house. Joy always comes bearing gifts – first my birthday gifts (plus just because gifts for TW) and now shiny silver wrapped box… The woman is TOO much.

I sat her down in my chair, took the box and put it in the laundry room, and we chatted about life and work and stuff. Joy suggested I might want to open the gift before Christmas, because she thought it might be really useful now. I ignored her and kept talking about my life and work and stuff.

TW hung up on her sister and Joy again suggested we might want to open the Christmas gift now. So, I handed the gift to TW and grabbed my camera.

A space heater! I love that woman!

A space heater. OMG! Just what we needed! How did she know (haha possibly because she has one and it’s the only thing that keeps her from freezing at her desk while she works so hard at Seriously. We didn’t have one. We’ve talked about getting one but we’re on a budget and the budget just got significantly CUT so we’re just sitting here freezing most of the time.

As soon as Joy left, I opened the heater, plugged it in and OMG it works. It’s almost warm in here. Actually it is warm in here except for the occasional breeze that blows in from somewhere in this room (probably the floors, hahaha.)

TW suggested I put it in the bedroom for awhile to take the chill off so it will be warm when we quit working and head to bed with books. I told her I would but first I’m carrying it to the family room when we watch Survivor. This thing is AWESOME.

Joy, you shouldn’t have. But dang woman, you do know how to give the right gift at the right time!

2 thoughts on “Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy”

  1. Hot dang I’m happy to have my two girls defrosted! Hey, if we had to relocate you to these frigid midwestern temps….the least we can do is try to keep you as warm as possible. TW can only knit so fast…. Merry Christmas Ladies…..Love ya oodles, Joy

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