WTF with the large/extra large shirts?

I laughed out loud at Melissa talking about Olivia vacations that aren’t cruises, in case you “don’t like boats”. hahahaha (I also cursed her out loud, I’m not bitter not at all.)

And what’s with the Large/Xtra large tshirts? I might be a little bigger than Melissa but I’m not THAT much bigger and I’m guessing those shirts are not gonna fit me. Damn it. I really want the Heartbeat shirt, it’s very “Threadless-like”. Maybe they shrink?

2 thoughts on “WTF with the large/extra large shirts?”

  1. I have to say that for an XL shirt that looked rather un-XLish so a large might not be that big. When I googled it said organic cotton will shrink anywhere between 4-10%. And it does look very Threadless.

  2. Were you on the cruise she had to bail from due to anxiety? That would have sucked, but living with someone who has pretty bad anxiety issues I probably understand better than most.

    Those shirts looked huge. Maybe she’s just a lot smaller than I remember.

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