TW kept telling me that I had to read The Libyrinth. I couldn’t figure out why. It looked like some run of the mill YA fantasy novel. What’s the big deal? TW likes fantasy but she tends to be not as big a fan of YA as I am.
It took all of two paragraphs for me to figure out why she liked it. Books. A library, the biggest library EVER. Ritualistic book burnings carried out by people who are either Eradicants or Singers, depending upon your point of view. Strong women, lesbians. The book had everything. EVERYTHING.
One of the characters, hears written text, and since she lives and works in a library (the Libyrinth) she is surrounded by books – random lines from random books appear throughout the story and it’s interesting to see how quickly we recognize (or don’t) the lines. (The list of quoted books is in the back, which was nice.)
I’ve added it to my request list. 🙂