Nancy Drew – The Secret of the Old Clock

Alrighty, I started with the first book in the series and I really want to read them in order – which is messed up since I don’t seem to own numbers 2 and 3d. It still takes me all of about two hours to read a Nancy Drew, which is about what it took me when I was a kid.

It was amusing to re-visit Nancy after all these years. They didn’t have cell phones back then, ya know. Nancy had to drive to the police station (actually, she visited a couple of different police stations) which I found interesting… do you know where your closest police station is? Or where several police stations are? Because errr I’m not really sure I do. Oh wait, yea I do know where one is… but just one.

I’ve reserved #2 and #3 from the library and am looking forward to them. (Since I never owned them, it’s possible that I’ve never read them… imagine that!)

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.

3 thoughts on “Nancy Drew – The Secret of the Old Clock”

  1. Oh man! I loved Nancy Drew as a kid. Those were the books that I hid under my blankets with a flashlight to finish… and then dreamed about Nancy and her adventures all night. What a great idea to re-read them as a grown-up! LOVE it!!!

  2. Oh my word – I remember The Secret of the Old Clock! What a flashback!

    Like the other Jennifer above, I hid under my blankets with a flashlight too. 🙂

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