Two Nancy Drews

After reading a string of really depressing books, I mentioned to some folks that I needed to read a book where nobody died, where nobody was raped, where there was no heavy emotional abuse or drama. TW attempted to make suggestions, based on books she had recently read but I had not. Each time she would say “Oh how about…” and I’d say “ nobody dies? No rapes? No…?” and she would say “well… there’s just this one part….” Huh.

Thankfully Sassymonkey is a genius (I say this a lot, don’t I?) and remembered my Nancy Drew Challenge. Duh. Why didn’t I think of that? Nancy Drew did the trick!

The Mystery of the Brass Bound Trunk (which reminded me that I did indeed spend some time wishing I could visit Buenos Ares and longing for a cool trunk to store my crap in) and The Quest of the Missing Map (which I reminded me that I did not like this book because my father had models of ships and built models of ships and I kind of thought it was dumb at the time – so a book with models of ships was also dumb.)

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