WTH is a Chick Flick?

TW and I were in the bedroom reading. TW’s mom was in the family room watching TV. The kids were in their rooms doing whatever it is that kids do on a lazy Sunday morning. RJ wandered into the family room and TW and I eavesdropped on this conversation:

TW’s Mom: Rebecca, can you find me a good chick flick to watch?

RJ: A chick flick? Sure! What do you like?

(RJ wanders over to the cabinet with the movies….)

TW’s Mom: I don’t like violence, so a chick flick would be great.

RJ: Have you seen Lion King?

TW’s Mom: No, I haven’t seen that.

RJ: (Rambling about how great Lion King is…) How about Aristocats, have you seen that?

TW’s Mom: No, I haven’t seen that.

RJ: (Rambling about how great Aristocats is…) Or Lady & the Tramp?

TW’s Mom: No, I don’t think I’ve seen that either.

(TW and I are laughing our asses off….)

Elly (yelling from Prince J’s room): The Sisterhood of the Traveling pants is a great chick flick, it’s a light romance!

TW’s Mom: Sisterhood of what?

Elly: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.

TW’s Mom: Rebecca a chick flick is a movie that girls want to watch but boys usually do not.              

RJ: Oh! Like Twilight. Would you like to watch Twilight.

TW’s Mom: Some mumbled response that TW and I could not hear because we were laughing our asses off.

Elly (now in the family room, trying to take control of the situation): We should watch Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, it’s a great chick flick. You’ll love it.

TW’s Mom: We’ll watch Lion King first and that Pants thing second.

(TW’s mom’s phone rings…. She answers and says “I can’t talk right now, I’m watching a chick flick with Rebecca…”)

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.

1 thought on “WTH is a Chick Flick?”

  1. Having met TW’s mom, I find this hysterically funny. If I would have been there in person, I would have been rolling on the floor right along with you. Did she ever watch that ‘Pants thing?’ ~Joy

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