The HRC has an interesting videocast called Equally Speaking – Your Morning Dose of GLBT News. Sounds ok, and it is, but it also seems a little silly to me. I’ve watched four of the videocasts and there weren’t any stories I hadn’t already heard. I must be missing something. Aren’t these stories on all of the majore broadcast stations, in virtually the same presentation? Maybe I’m just missing the anti-gay spin that major networks put on GLBT news?
I’m not suggesting the HRC shouldn’t have an audiocast or a videocast, I’m just saying it’s probably not something I’m going to listen to/watch. I read a variety of news blogs, gay and straight – conservative and liberal – a 3 minute videocast every morning feeding me stories I’ve already read just isn’t very useful to me.
Go peek, will you be tuning into Equally Speaking?
Technorati Tags: humanrightscampaign, hrc, equallyspeaking, glbt
I look at a variety of news and blogs, not necessarily for balance, simply for interest. I’m not big on video for some reason, preferring print or audio. I used to keep up with things gay and post daily news updates on td (stories from 365gay) but I’ve not done that recently. I still play there, but not nearly as much as before… it has this I’m still at college whilst everyone I know has graduated feel to it. Hard to explain, but I’ve experienced the college thingie, and this feels the same way.
I guess there is only so much time available, and more effort goes into my blog. At some point, I might make an effort to post more there, news and otherwise… but not now.