Daily Dose of Music – Shatter Me

I had a really interesting Random 10 to share but I don’t have time to post it in the fashion I would like, which is "story" fashion.  So instead, you get a bonus music download instead.  Shatter Me  was part of the Random 10 and I just happen to have not one but two boots of the song for your listening pleasure… thanks to the amazing Cincheetah, (which is where I originally got them and where you can find dozens of other MF boots).

I’m a bonafide independent superhero
and I will tell you the truth right to your face… 
you will not, shatter me.

These are LIVE boots (An Ani Difranco story is on one of them, for you Ani fans) so there is background noise and chatter and they are Real Audio files so grabe a real player if you don’t already have one. 

Download mfshatterme.rm

Download mfshatterme2.rm

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2 thoughts on “Daily Dose of Music – Shatter Me”

  1. Hi Denise. I found you through Nurse Pam and love your site. I’m curious, though, as to how a couple can have 6 1/2 kids? I stopped at one so have no idea about messy things like siblings and ::gasp:: blended families!

    Enjoy reading you!

  2. Hi Cheryl. I should link that part of my profile to the post I wrote about the kids. Thanks for mentioning this. 🙂

    The 1/2 child is a young man who lives with us part time and is not related to us in any way. He’s a stray we take in, part time. 🙂

    Nice to meet you. Nurse Pam is the best, isn’t she?

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