Breaking with Tradition

Michelle Belle arrives tomorrow. Chrissy arrives Sunday. I’m very excited about both of these things. VERY excited.

The little kids come home on Sunday, too. I’m also looking forward to that, though it will mean things get really loud and even messier than they are now.

On top of the wood particles and shredded paper and dog toy stuffing scattered around the house by Skeeter, we’ll have kid stuff everywhere (at least until Skeeter starts shredding it) and there will be food messes. Lots and lots of food messes.

I’m going to be very busy enjoying the mania. And I really do plan on enjoying it. Just sitting on the sidelines watching and listening and even yelling at them all to “CLEAN THAT UP!” or “STOP EATING FOR GODSAKES!” or “TURN THE TV DOWN!” will be a joy.

As I sit here in anticipation of all of that fun, I’ve come to a decision. I’m going to break with tradition and…

I’m going to wrap the bulk of the Christmas presents tonight, before the kids come home, rather than doing it all on Christmas Eve.

For 30 years I’ve wrapped Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve, staying up late into the night to do it — not this year. Nope. I’m going to get the bulk of it down now and relax on Christmas Eve. That’s gonna be weird. Really weird, but the very idea of it is making me feel all warm and sparkly inside.

Do you wrap gifts as they arrive? Or wait until the last minute to do the wrapping?

5 thoughts on “Breaking with Tradition”

  1. I wait until I have them all and then wrap them. This is usually before Thanksgiving. I waited until Christmas Eve once to wrap presents. Once. It wasn’t worth it to be an exhausted grouch.
    I hope your family has a wonderful family Christmas! Messes included.

  2. Somewhere in the middle? We don’t wrap as they arrive because we are those annoying people who start shopping early. But we don’t wait until the last minute either. I think we’ll have all our wrapped by the end of the weekend.

  3. I shop year round but don’t start wrapping until mid-December. Family gifts are put under the tree as they are wrapped. Charlie loves writing the tags and putting the boxes under the tree. Santa gifts don’t go under the tree until late Christmas Eve.

  4. I usually wrap everything in the first week or two of December…sometimes earlier. Unless I’m late and haven’t gotten everything early. I love having things under the tree; and it always feels good to get things wrapped and shipped. Merry, Merry Christmas Cookie….have the best time ever. ~Joy xo

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