A Hug From Mike Ditka

During the drive to take the girls back to their dad’s house, the conversation made its way to friends who aren’t touchy-feely and don’t like hugs. Elly said, “People who don’t like hugs just haven’t found the right hug, yet.”

Which caused RJ to say “Yea, like those lesbians who just haven’t found the right man, yet.”

Which caused me to roll my eyes, again.

Which led TW to say, “Elizabeth, you know I’m one of those people who doesn’t like hugs, right?”

Which caused Elly to say, “Yea, you just need to go around hugging random people on the street until you find the right hug.”

Which caused me to roll my eyes again.

Eventually, the conversation turned to Mike Ditka. We had to explain to the girls who Mike Ditka is and then we told them about seeing Mike Ditka in O’Hare on Sunday night. After much laughter and joke making, Elly piped up with… “Mike Ditka! You should have hugged Mike Ditka! I bet that was your hug, mommy, and you missed your chance!”

Poor TW, she’ll never love hugs because she missed her chance to hug Coach Ditka. *sniff* *sniff* Maybe we’ll run into him again someday and she can give it a try. A hug from Ditka could change everything!

3 thoughts on “A Hug From Mike Ditka”

  1. WHAT? TW doesn’t like hugs? But I hug her every time I’m lucky enough to see her! I love her hugs, and she gives great ones! Have I been offending her all this time? ::sob::

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