Dog Toys and DoggyLoot

I seem to be talking to a lot of people, one on one, about dog toys that stand up to Skeeter so I figured maybe it was time to write a new post about dog toys we recommend.

But first, I have to give a nice shout out to DoggyLoot.

I joined DoggyLoot a couple of months ago when I saw a discount code thingy for $5 off when you join. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to order, so I just joined their dog toy of the month club and Skeeter’s received several toys from their club since we joined.

Most of the toys didn’t stand up to Skeeter but not many toys do, so I don’t hold that against DoggyLoot. What I do particularly appreciate is the fact that when they sent emails to their customers telling us that we had a $5 credit to use, when we really didn’t, they made good on that email and gave everyone the $5. That’s the kind of customer service that seems to be going out of style.

If you want to try DoggyLoot and you haven’t joined, this link has my affiliate code attached to it. (If you join using my link, you get a $5 credit right off the bat — if you order, I’ll get a $10 credit.) If you don’t want to join, it won’t hurt my feelings. If you want to join but you don’t want to click my link, it won’t hurt my feelings either.

Now, onto the toys that are standing up to the Skeeter test:

  • Orbee-Tuff Glow Bone — we got this one at the Pet Expo. She likes it and she hasn’t (knock on wood) come close to destroying it. I was surprised by how well it’s held up.
  • Crinkist — another toys we got at the Pet Expo. After chewing up a few different water bottle toys, this one is amazing. It’s a little tough to get the bottle into (use soap!) but once it’s in there, it stays until she’s chewed the heck out of it. She’s been through four bottles and the toy/holder is no worse for ware. That’s amazing!
  • Sticky Bone — we bought this at Pet Supplies Plus. Total impulse purchase that I picked up because the material is similar to that of the Orbee-Tuff Glow Bone and I was interested in what would happen if she had a toy that sticks to the floor/wall. Well… it doesn’t stick very well, so that’s kind of a bust. (I tested one in the store and it worked great — I’m guessing I didn’t buy the one I tested, sigh.) But, she carries it around and chews on it like she chews on everything, and it’s holding up really well though we haven’t stuck any toys into the crevices…
  • This was a $5 toy that we bought at Pet Supplies Plus. I figured it would be destroyed in a second, particularly after I pulled the tag off the top and exposed some stuffing. She’s a maniac for stuffing. But — nope, it’s in great shape and she loves this darn toy. Soft rubber, a lot like the Orbee-Tuff and the but not exactly the same. It’s softer and I really can’t believe she hasn’t destroyed it yet. I should have saved the tag but I really never thought it would last more than a couple of hours, max!
  • This one came from DoggyLoot. I didn’t have a lot of hope for it but she had it almost a month before she started chewing pieces off of it. Though she has started chewing pieces off it it, it’s still holding up well… normally once she gets the first piece off, it’s just a matter of minutes before she’s shredded the toy into tiny bits. Not this one. I sure wish I knew the brand name…

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