Cat Nip Loving Dog

Remember when we went to the Pet Expo, well not only did we buy a bunch of dog treats, I bought a cat nip toy in the shape of a banana for the Fake Cat. It was a banana, I couldn’t resist.

It was in the bag with the other treats that we bought and that bag was in Prince J’s room. A couple of hours after we got home, Elly asked if she could give Skeeter the banana toy. I told her that she could not because it was a CAT treat for the FAKE CAT, duh. She insisted Skeeter wanted it. Needed it. Should have it. I told her NO!

Since then, every time Skeeter has broken into Prince J’s room or one of has has inadvertently let her in there, she’s gone for the banana cat nip treat.

When I retrieved the banana cat nip toy to send it to the Fake Cat, Skeeter got very excited. She was SURE she was finally going to get that treat. She jumped, she spun around in circles, she sat like a good puppy. She begged. She tried to grab it out of my hand. She sniffed it all over and licked it and made one last attempt and grabbed it from the counter while I was looking for the Wild Iris coffee mug. I had to chase her through the house to get it back.

Why does our dog love cat nip? Do all dogs love cat nip? Why does Skeeter go nuts over the banana cat nip toy while the Fake Cat is so much calmer?

2 thoughts on “Cat Nip Loving Dog”

  1. giggle. You only think she’s calmer because I haven’t uploaded video yet. (Also, the fake cat is much OLDER.)

    I think it’s also some especially potent catnip. I had to the take the banana away from her before we went to bed last night and we never really take catnip toys away from her.

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