Poor Poodle

Skeeter is not a morning dog.

She’d lay in bed ’til noon if nothing forced her up (or piqued her interest) and as soon as she gets up and uses the bathroom (barks at whatever piqued her interest) she’s ready to go right back to bed.

Unless you’re going to take her for a walk or to the dog park. She’s happy to get out of bed for that.

So this morning, when she was forced out of bed at 6am, she was sluggish. I also noticed she had gunky eyes. Fairly common for her — so I wiped her eyes, took her outside, and went about the business of getting the kids to school.

I noticed after we got home that Skeeter, (who did not get to go with us on the school run), had gunky eyes again. So, I wiped them and took her outside to use the bathroom — wondering aloud about why her eyes were so gunky this morning.

And then I went about my business, while Skeeter went to bed.

When she woke up a few hours later, her eyes were gunky again — so I looked closely and not only were they gunky, one of them was not opening all of the way and looked a little swollen.

Darn dog.

She has a scratched cornea.

No idea how that happened but $150+ later she has medicines and has to go back to the vet for a re-check.

I swear we’ve taken this dog to the vet more times in 9 months than we took Jake or Chanel in all of the years we owned them.

Poor poodle puppy.

2 thoughts on “Poor Poodle”

  1. poor baby. scratched corneas are so painful. i had to go to urgent care once for that. is she letting you put the meds in ok?

  2. Poor puppy. And darn that vet bill. I had to give my pup eye drops for conjunctivitis a couple months ago. She was not amused.

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