Long-Legged Beagle

I took Skeeter to the vet for her scratched cornea re-check (and also to have the weird lump thingy on her face looked at) — the receptionist went to the back and told the vet tech that a beagle with the longest legs EVER was waiting.

When the vet tech came out, the receptionist said, “SEE, doesn’t she have long legs?”

I laughed, “If she was a beagle, yes – those would be long legs. But she’s not a beagle.”

Then there was much discussion about Treeing Walker Coonhounds and whether that was a breed available in their database (turns out, it is — and Skeeter is their first TWC! yippeee, she feels special.)

She’d feel more special if she could just wander around looking cute, maybe stand on the scale for a minute, and then just get all of the treats. That whole standing on the really tall table while people look at her eye, put stuff in her eye, look in her again… well that part is dumb. Skeeter would prefer not to do that again for her treats.

In fact, she’d be happy if everyone just stepped back and let her get the treats all by herself. She’ll even eat the buckets the treats are in. No problem. She’s happy to do it.

Those long legs of hers make it a piece of cake to reach the treats. All of the treats.

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