Senility Has Set In

I’ll be 50 on Monday and I was feeling just fine with that. But now I’m a little concerned. My mind, my senses, it’s all going. I need someone to THINK because I’m apparently unable to do so, any more.


Since I asked for a puppy for my birthday.

And got him.

This is Buster, formerly known as Hamlet.

So maybe I haven’t completely lost my mind. He needed us to adopt him after the horrible bus accident. Watching him in a crate with his brother, before they’d let people into the tent area to check out the adoptable dogs — it was heartbreaking to see him just lay there. He didn’t move. He didn’t look around. He didn’t even think about barking.


He’s very afraid of people. A little shy around the dogs (especially Lola). Did I mention it’s heartbreaking? But there’s a spark in him, you can see it when he’s outside with the dogs. He really, really wants to play with them. He thought he was awesome sauce when he snuck up on Skeeter (who was peeing at the time) and nothing bad happened.

Maybe I’m not senile, just a little softhearted?

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