We’re doing a lot of BUSTERRRRRRRRRRR yelling around here. This puppy gets into more than Skeeter ever dreamed of getting into.

He’s a climber.

He’s also a thief.

He does chew things, certainly, but mostly he steals things and runs. Here’s a list of the things he has stolen recently.

– A plastic watering jug (that was on a shelf about chest high).
– Old photos of TW’s mom and siblings as children.
– TW’s iPhone.
– Shoes off of my feet (while I was trying to put them on) and slippers off of TW’s feet while she was walking.
– A Staples bag containing three reams of printer paper (Buster is also STRONG)
– Library books from the bedside table, from the bed, from the library cart and from the bag hanging on the library cart.
– 3 cans of coke.
– An electric screwdriver.
– Coupons from my desk and from my coupon storage ottoman thingy.
– Tissue paper, rubber stamps, and markers from my art desk.
– A bag of prairie dog hay.

As I typed this, he tried to steal the dustpan (it’s one of those that has the stand up pole thingy so you don’t have to bend over to sweep stuff into it) and a broom. He couldn’t get either of those through the door way but he tried, boy did he try.

3 thoughts on “BUSTERRRRRRRR!”

  1. Heh. I love the pictures of the pups and I *was* considering maybe a pup for my home but maybe…no. No, I think my cats are fine and pictures of pups online will sate my puppy lust!

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