I Wish Buster Was As Thankful…

I’ve learned to really appreciate baby gates and dog crates.

Skeeter learned pretty quickly that a closed baby gate meant she needed to stay behind the baby gate and she ended up not really needing to be crated when we weren’t home. She stays in the kitchen, behind the baby gates, and she’s good ’til we get back.

Lola jumped the baby gate within the first hour of being in our home but quickly learned that when the baby gates are closed, she needs to stay on the other side. She, unlike Skeeter, likes her crate and goes there when you tell her to or when anyone looks like he/she is going out/in the front door.

Buster has learned nothing. Not one thing. Except to go to his crate for breakfast/lunch/dinner or some other special treat he might get when we’re going to leave for awhile. He’s also learned how to open his crate and how to open the baby gates. And if he can’t open the baby gate, he just barrels through it.

I’m really thankful for the gates and the crates. I’d be more thankful if Buster appreciated them just a little more.

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