Little Blue Car

I’m very very thankful for TW’s little blue car. It has carried Christopher safely to Charleston and back again. I will admit to being worried. It’s an old car with a lot of miles and has not been well taken care of since we moved to Chicagoland.

TW wasn’t worried, even when I reminded her that the little blue car didn’t make it to Charleston a few years ago when they attempted the same trip. I guess she knew something I didn’t, it was her car after all.

That little blue Subaru Forester is a great car. I miss it but I’m glad it’s taking care of Chris.

(Pst! I did it — not only did I post for the entire month, I’ve posted at least one post a day about things or people I’m thankful for. Yippee! Now I can go back to being my normal, bitchy self?)

4 thoughts on “Little Blue Car”

  1. I wanted to comment last night but was too tired. I’m glad you have a little car that takes care of business. And you are never bitchy. 😉

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