Happy Showgirl Is Happy

It’s in the 30s(f) here today. Ice fog and just fog, awaiting the rain forecast for a bit later today. I’m much happier because of it but not nearly as happy as the happy showgirl.

Lola Belle is the puppy who likes being outside as much as possible. And even if she isn’t outside, she likes to sit at the back door and watch for squirrels through the window. With the super-cold the last week/ten days, she’s been unable to be outside and I will not allow her to stay in the cold room for very long because IT IS TOO COLD in the office for me to have the door propped open for her to go in and out.

So today, Lola is one helluva happy showgirl. She’s so happy that she she has spent quite a lot of time teaching Buster butt to play properly. Normally she just kind of ignores him out there or puts him in his place for being stupid. Today though, she tried to teach him to play chase — which is the game that she and Skeeter like the best. The game that Buster butt does not know how to play.

She managed to get him to play properly for all of five minutes and then he went back to being stupid and just trying to pounce her every ten seconds. So, she sent him in the house to be stupid on his own and went about her business of guarding the yard and just being her happy outdoorsy showgirl face-licking self.

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