She’s No Mrs. Futch…

So remember yesterday? When I spent an hour (which was really closer to three, once it was all said and done) getting shit figured out so that everyone (RJ) could do everything she wanted to do today? Yea. All for nothing.

We got up at 5am so that we could have RJ at ETHS to catch the bus for Science Olympiad BEFORE 6:30am and then we were going to pick her up at Oakton Community College at 11am, after dropping TW’s mom off at the nursing home.

Well… one kid was late, so they waited AN HOUR for him to arrive, which means they were late to Science Olympiad.

If that wasn’t bad enough, the adviser demoted RJ from her co-caption varsity team status to JV status and knocked her off of the two panel thingies she was on and put her on another panel team thingy that she’d not prepared for. Which was bad but it got worse when it turns out the team panel thingy didn’t actually have room for her.

She was replaced by people who had not prepared for her events so what are the odds that those teams would perform well? Slim to none, right?

So, to recap… we got up at 5am so she could catch a bus that left an hour later than scheduled for her to go to an event that SHE DID NOT GET TO PARTICIPATE IN.

What the hell, right?

(Mrs Futch was an awesome 2nd grade teacher that a couple of the kids at Littlewood — we like to hold all teachers to her standards because I think some of the kids still quote Mrs Futch from time to time. I know I do.)

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