The Moonstone

Well ladies, and gentlemen (surely there are some men lurking), I did it. Finally. It took me 10 years and many, MANY false starts but I did it. I. Finished. The. Moonstone.

I didn’t ever think I’d be able to say that. But now that I have said it, I’m quite pleased with myself. I’m not really pleased with my mother who purchased the book for my daughter 10 years ago. I’m not really pleased with my mother who rambled about how much she loved the book when she was a teenager. I’m also not pleased with my mother who has generally recommended really fantastic books in the past. I’m also not pleased with my mother who on one other occasion recommended a book in a similar way, A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, and that recommendation was so RIGHT that it led me to believe that any such recommendation would also be RIGHT.

The Moonstone. Not right.

I like Wilkie Collins. The Woman in White is a very good book. I’ve actually read it two or three times and enjoyed it everytime. I would happily recommend that book to you. The Moonstone. Not so much. In fact, except for 3 pages very near the end, I wouldn’t really recommend it at all. Except of course, there’s my mom. She loved it when she was a teen (or so she said, 10 years ago – she’s waivered a bit on that over the years – that’s the dementia though, so we expect that from her now).

Anyway, I’ve finished it. I’m proud of myself for having finished it. I’m proud of myself for being able to cross book #1 off of my summer reading challenge.

Now onto bigger and better things…. The Day My Butt Went Psycho… gotta be bigger and better than The Moonstone, right?

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8 thoughts on “The Moonstone”

  1. Hey, I haven’t lurked. I even commented before.

    But I haven’t read the moonstone, so there’s not much I can comment on now 🙁

    Until the next one then!

  2. Hi Denise–good for you for finishing The Moonstone. I have a few books like that that I am not sure I will ever go back and try to get through…Now I am more curious about The Moonstone…off to start reading.

  3. Ha I was hoping Mr Napfisk was still around – glad I drew you in to say hello! Don’t you want to read The Moonstone? You might like it. Interesting men in it. Do you like Robinson Carusoe? ‘Cause Mr Betteredge, who I really liked in the book, is a big fan…

    Good luck, Danielle. I can’t wait to see what you think about it.

  4. The Day My BUTT Went Psycho???! What the heck kind of book could that be, especially compared with The Moonstone? I gotta read it again–and I am NOT in demential–yet! But I have to admit I don’t remember much about it and I read it for the second time in the 90s. Oh, and there’s the movie. I have that too. Anyone want to watch that??

  5. No, we tried to watch the movie. We fell asleep, twice. Jenn glared at me for a week because I tried to make her watch that.

    You don’t even remember it.

    It’s normal to hate your mother, right? Geez.

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