Kid Talk


So – you know what it’s like… you’ve had some kids and you know you’re not going to have any more. This is the last one.

And the last one outgrows that cute little outfit that someone gave you and you have to decide whether to give it away or save it or take it to a consignment store. *sniff*

And then he outgrows the tiny onesies.

And then she outgrows the swing. And the bouncer. And the crib. And the cute little baby rattles.

*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*

When we came home from taking Jenn and JMP to the airport, someone had (nicely?) cleaned up all of the baby toys. I know whoever did it (my guess would be Rebecca) thought she was doing something nice (and she was) but it made me sad to see everything stacked up in a corner — obviously no longer waiting for JMP to play with them.

*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*

I’m going to have to clean them up — put them away, for reals. And, put away the pack-n-play. And, send the clothes his mom left behind. And, the baby food sitting on the counter.

*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*

Yes, he’s going to come and visit again. Many, many more times. But… it’s still sad.


*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*

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A Hug From Mike Ditka

During the drive to take the girls back to their dad’s house, the conversation made its way to friends who aren’t touchy-feely and don’t like hugs. Elly said, “People who don’t like hugs just haven’t found the right hug, yet.”

Which caused RJ to say “Yea, like those lesbians who just haven’t found the right man, yet.”

Which caused me to roll my eyes, again.

Which led TW to say, “Elizabeth, you know I’m one of those people who doesn’t like hugs, right?”

Which caused Elly to say, “Yea, you just need to go around hugging random people on the street until you find the right hug.”

Which caused me to roll my eyes again.

Eventually, the conversation turned to Mike Ditka. We had to explain to the girls who Mike Ditka is and then we told them about seeing Mike Ditka in O’Hare on Sunday night. After much laughter and joke making, Elly piped up with… “Mike Ditka! You should have hugged Mike Ditka! I bet that was your hug, mommy, and you missed your chance!”

Poor TW, she’ll never love hugs because she missed her chance to hug Coach Ditka. *sniff* *sniff* Maybe we’ll run into him again someday and she can give it a try. A hug from Ditka could change everything!

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I’m Glad I’m a Grandmother…

It’s really nice to be able to hand JMP back to his mom when he’s tired or hungry. Really, really nice — because then I can take a nap. Or sit down and write a blog post about how nice it is to hand him back to his mom.

It’s also nice to be able to watch his bath time rather than to be the one on her knees on the bathroom floor, bent over the tub, giving the bath. My back and knees hurt just watching Jenn do it.

Also, JMP is HEAVY. I’d be in shape again if I had to tote is 20lb chunky, cute self around all of the time. As it is, my right shoulder is kind of groaning. When I said yesterday that I couldn’t believe how heavy he was, TW rolled her eyes and said he wasn’t… she’s changed her mind because her shoulder is feeling a twinge, too.

It’s awesome to be able to just play with him or watch others play with him and take photos and leave all of the real work to his mom. This grandmother gig is freaking awesome.

I love it. And I love JMP, tons.

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OMG! Johnny Mac Pippin Is Coming!

When Jenn called me a few weeks ago to say they might becoming to the mainland, I was very excited but didn’t talk about it because it was a big “maybe”.

When she called me again, a week later, to say they were coming but the dates were a muddle, I was very, very excited but didn’t talk about it much because it was such a confusing mess.

When she called again, with more specific dates, I was over the moon, but didn’t talk about it a lot because she also called to give me some sad news and that over-shadowed the over the moonieness of it.

I did, however, start to prepare!

I ordered cold weather clothes, because JMP gets cold if it’s 60F or if the fan blows on him. Oy.

We went to Target and bought more cold weather clothes, because JMP gets cold if it’s 60F or if the fan blows on him. Ugh.

We bought a wooden farm toy thingy. I went digging in the closet for toys I’d bought to send him for Valentine’s Day or Easter or his birthday.

We bought diapers and wipes and baby food! We bought a sippy cup.

We cleaned out Prince J’s bedroom (sort of) and I decided he needed a pack-n-play, so I ordered one (on sale!)

TW decided he needed more toys and maybe a Jenny Jumper since he loves to bounce and jump. So, we went to a couple of thrift stores and a used clothes/baby toy shop. We hit pay dirt at the used clothes/baby toy shop.

We came home with a box of blocks, a drum, a panda rattle thingy, a Fisher Price Little People school box, a circus car, a board book and… I over-ruled TW and insisted on the bouncy car instead of the door frame jumper. Heh. Totally ridiculous, but it’s cute! And it was only $5 more than the jumper.

I cleaned all of the toys. I’m washing the pack-n-play sheets and his cold weather pajamas right now. The house is trashed, but it’s always trashed because we have a puppy who shreds anything she can get her teeth around… hopefully she won’t shred JMP. His shoes, toys, socks, diapers etc… I’m pretty sure she’s gonna LOVE those.

I cannot wait to cuddle JMP… and hug his mom, tight. After spending a month with her in May, I’ve missed her a lot. Like I missed her when I left her behind in NJ after high school graduation. Sniff.

Did I mention JMP is COMING???!!!! I hope you don’t get sick of me posting photos and videos for the next week…

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The Best Laid Plans … Get Shot to Hell

I woke up this morning with a good long list of things I was going to accomplish before the little kids showed up at around 11am-ish.

1) Fold laundry and get more laundry into the washer/dryer.
2) Unload/load the dishwasher.
3) Get some work done.
4) Take some stuff out to both cars (a bag of odds and ends from my old car — things like lip balm, bandaids, pens, notepads, etc. and the battery charger & emergency kit for the Funhouse car.)
5) Dump the dead pumpkin on the porch.
6) Get the Flamingo Santa to stop blowing off the porch.
7) Move the Gazelle into Prince J’s room.
8) Get some odds & ends out of the living room/dining room so there’s room for the tree and Christmas decorations.
9) Put the rake and hedge clippers into the garage.
10) Make the surprisingly good salad and deviled eggs for our Thanksgiving dinner.
11) Get the tree put together in the stand and the box carried out to the garage.

I did all of those things, except #s 10 & 11 by about 10:15 (except the rake/clippers were in front of the garage, waiting for me to open the garage and put the Christmas tree box in there…)

At 10:15 I told TW I was going to make the surprisingly good salad and deviled eggs but first I was going to put the tree together. She laughed and said she’d been thinking about doing that, too. So we got to work on that together. All of the pieces were out and TW got the first piece into the stand. As we’re both reaching for the next pieces, I noticed my piece had some fur stuck to some branches. “Oh. Someone made a nest in our tree…”

I went into the kitchen to get a plastic bag and a towel to clean that up and as I was cleaning it, TW said someone had nested in her piece, too. About that time, I noticed not only nesting material but the creature that nested had snacked on some of the wires (it’s a pre-lit tree.)


I said, “I guess if we plug this in we’ll either short out the whole house or catch the house on fire, right?”

TW said, “Right.” and suggested we just put strands of lights on it and not use the pre-lit strands. This caused me to roll my eyes. We really want a tree with six strands of dead lights and six strands of live lights. That will look awesome, won’t it? No. Not happening.

I wondered whether we could strip the pre-lit strands off… TW said it would take a long time. I fiddled with one and realized she was right.


It was 10:25. I jumped online to see who had trees on sale… everybody has trees on sale, but would they have the size/type we want? No way to know except to get in the car and find out.

Target is closest so we jumped in the car and by 10:40 we were checking out but we did not have a tree. They only had a tiny tree with multi-colored lights. (I impulse purchased a couple of things and since there was no line to check out, I went ahead and bought them.)

We dashed across the street to Lowes. They had trees but nothing we loved that wasn’t $400. I convinced TW that we should get the 6′ multi-colored tree for less than $100 since we have a puppy who eats everything. We’d be a lot less annoyed if she ate a cheap tree than if she ate a $400 tree. TW reluctantly agreed — she had little choice since we had to get the tree done TODAY before Prince J goes back to college.

We got it home and it was TINY and we were all getting really depressed. I sent RJ up to Elly’s room for the LACK table to stand it on, thinking if we made it look like it was taller, we’d like it better. And we do, but it’s still tiny and not full and not a tree we love. We only put about 1/3 of the normal ornaments on it because it’s just so small.

And, we have to figure out how to keep the tree on the table with a hyper puppy around. So far, she’s been relatively good but as soon as we turn our backs, I know she’s going to go for the tree. It’s a lot more interesting than slippers or the couch or any other things she consistently chews on when we turn our backs.

I did manage to get the surprisingly good salad and eggs done while Prince J and TW drove across town to pick up the annoying, evil 14 year old who refused to go to breakfast with the rest of her family this morning so was not dropped off here when her dad dropped her siblings off. (I hate 14 year old girls.)

We managed to celebrate Prince J’s 19th birthday (he got his first iPhone, yay!) and celebrate Thanksgiving and get everything cleaned up from the tree decorating, birthday celebrating and Thanksgiving celebrating in record time.

I even found the missing reindeer stocking for Johnny Mac Pippin.

Let’s call today a win, even if it wasn’t as perfectly managed as I had planned.

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Photos For Johnny Mac Pippin

You might have seen the post I wrote on filled with gift ideas for Johnny Mac Pippin — and you might have noticed that I did not include any type of photo album for him. Texasebeth noticed and made the suggestion and that was awesome — because it’s on my list of things to do.

I was hoping (and am still a little hopeful) that he and his parents would be moving back to the mainland sometime soon, so we would have more opportunities to visit JMP and he would have more opportunities to visit us. Hoping that we could all get to know each other face to face rather than through Facetime. Because as much as JMP loves his mom’s iPhone, it’s just not quite the same as getting to cuddle and giggle in person.

As the days start slipping by and there’s no sign that they are going to be moving I’ve started thinking about sending JMP a picture album filled with pictures of family members who wish they could spend more time with him — something he can look at and play with and his parents can point out all of his people.

A few weeks ago, I ordered a couple of really nice books from Paper Coterie — a journal/notebook and a “quotable” book that I’m going to try and remember to update once JMP starts talking, for real.

These books are really nice and I’m impressed by the quality and by how easy it was to make both of them.

So — I think I’m going to head back there and make JMP a nice photo album all his own. I hope he likes it.

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The Strays Are Gone

Well that was fast.

Michelle’s friend and her boyfriend arrived mid-day on Wednesday and left last night at around 9:30pm. Fastest stray children ever.

It was almost like they weren’t even here and that’s never happened before.

I sure am glad I took Susan’s photo in the high chair on Thursday otherwise it would have been easy to convince myself she’d never been here at all.

Who ever heard of kids moving to Chicagoland with no job and no place to live — and finding a place to live in less than 48 hours? That’s just madness. Not that I’m complaining. Or that I’d have been complaining if they were still here?

It’s just unusual. Very unusual.

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Taking In Strays

I have a history of taking in strays — not the kind of strays you might think.

I take in stray kids.

It started years ago, when Audrey spent as much time in our home as she did in her home with her single, active duty service member mom. It just made sense. She was Jenn’s friend. She was in our Girl Scout troop. Her mom worked weird hours or was gone a lot. So, she just stayed with us. She probably would have stayed even more if she’d attended the same school Jenn did — but she didn’t, she lived at the other end of the base so she did sometimes go home and was often alone when she was there.

Chris and Michelle grew up with Audrey always at our house. They learned early that stray kids who need a place to stay or just want to stay with us are welcome. So stray girlfriends, boyfriends or just friends would should up and suddenly we realized they’d been here for weeks on end. Some of those kids lived with us for years without ever actually discussing it with us. It was fine.

Stray kids were welcome.

Now that none of those big kids live here with us, I thought those days might be over. The little kids have never been inclined to bring home stray kids that way. It might happen some day, because they did grow up with extra kids in the house and while they generally ignored Chris’s girlfriends who stayed off and on, they loved Chuck — the house fairy. So ya never know, they may bring home a stray of their own someday. Time will tell.

I did find it very amusing when Michelle buzzed me a couple of days ago to tell me that her friend Susan was not going to be visiting her in Philadelphia as originally planned — instead, she was moving to Chicago and… she needed a place to stay. Could she…?

I laughed and told her she could. Michelle said “Cool, she and her boyfriend will be there tomorrow.” lol

They didn’t turn up yesterday… they showed up today, instead.

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Singing in a Bomb

A long time ago, we were out for dinner with the little kids and TW’s ex — back in the days when we thought we might be able to have joint celebrations of big events. By the time we headed home, I’d pretty much had enough of Figlio-togetherness and was just ready for everyone to shush for a few minutes and chill out.

But no. The small children have always known exactly how to push my buttons (and the buttons of every parent/parental unit in their lives) and they were out-of-control on the drive home. TW was not much better, encouraging the wild screeching and storytelling and game playing IN THE CAR.

I hit my limit when Prince J argued something I said with an explanation of why he was right that included the phrase “singing in a bomb”. A totally ridiculous argument to what I said. A totally ridiculous idea that makes no sense under any circumstance. Something way, way out there — even for Prince J, who was (is?) good at pushing the limits of imagination.

“Singing in a bomb” is a very common phrase in our house, now. Unfortunately, only TW and I understand the phrase — the small children were too young to remember that hell night.


There are some songs or musicians that remind me, strongly, of one of the big kids.
– Nirvana reminds me of Chris.
– Smashing Pumpkin reminds me of Michelle
– Oasis, Vanilla Ice and Gloria Estefan remind me of Jenn.

I could go on, but you get the picture, right? You probably have songs that remind you strongly of people in your family, too.

When I hear those songs on the radio, I turn them up just a little and I say their names. A little prayer sent to them across the country (or across town)? Sometimes I ask TW to text the child, if I’m driving. Sometimes she just takes it upon herself to text them when she hears one of their songs. Sometimes I’ll call shortly after I get home, after I’ve heard one.

The kids have been known to ignore those texts. Or answer with a laugh. They sometimes roll their eyes. But they get it. They understand why these songs remind me of them. They understand that it’s a connection between us.


A couple of weeks ago, we were riding in the car and Suicide Blonde came on the radio. TW suggested that Prince J might have gotten the lyric of this song just a wee bit twisted and turned “Suicide Blonde” into “Singing in a Bomb”.

And, it all clicked into place.

This would have been a song Prince J would have heard quite often in our house, at that age. It was a popular song in his early, formative years, so he would have heard it on the radio, too. He would not have recognized the word “Suicide” when he was a wee thing. He also would have understood both “singing” and “bomb”. It makes sense out of something that has never made a lick of sense.


Today, driving to the hospital, Suicide Blonde came on the radio. I asked Siri to text Prince J, just like I would have asked Siri to text Chris if Come As You Are came on. Suicide Blonde is on the radio — so Hi!

I turned the corner and… there were two large diggers, another Prince J thing, so I told Siri to text Prince J… and a digger, too!.

He responded a little while ago with… What?

The boy is determined to drive me over the edge, isn’t he?

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