Monday Meme

Daily Dose of Stuff – Monday

I haven’t had a child in diapers in more than 10 years.  TW hasn’t had a child in diapers in a few years.  So why are these sample packs in my house? 

No they aren’t leftovers from when E was little.  They arrive addressed to me.  I get them for the same reason various baby sites around the web send me mail telling me my baby is "9 months old" or I’m in my "2nd trimester" or my "toddler is getting to be as annoying as all…." I get them because my boss regularly sends me out to review these sites and so they have my name, my address and my email address. 

They are still in my house because, unlike other samples, I simply cannot throw away perfectly good diapers!  It’s wrong!  Diapers are expensive! Someone might need them! Forget that I don’t know anyone who needs diapers.  Forget that it is unlikely I’ll know anyone who needs diapers til Jenn manages the task.  Forget that it is incredibly likely that once I do know someone who needs to diapers I won’t be able to find these until the child moves to the next stage – even though for the last 3 years one of us has always known where the sample diaper boxes are.  It’s just the way things work around here.  You know exactly where useless stuff is until it becomes useful and then amnesia sets in or someone trying to be helpful moved it. 

LJ has a toy in her house and she doesn’t know why.  Lee, the creator of this meme, has   four cds by someone who shall remain nameless til you go look and doesn’t want to admit why.  Why do YOU have THAT in your house?  Come on, join the fun!


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Daily Dose of Stuff – Monday Read More »

Daily Dose of Stuff – Monday


We don’t drink.  Well we do obviously drink coffee and Voss water and TW has a weird thing for Coke that I just don’t understand.  An occasional green tea or a pepsi but that’s it.  No alcohol.  On the Ferrick-less Cruise last January, we both had one drink.  I can’t remember having another alcohol drink since then and I think the last one I’d had before that was at my 40th birthday party brunch where I was forced to taste some champagne punch thing.  I’m anti-alcohol and I really don’t like drunk people.  Like Prince J has been known to say – alcohol just makes you dumber than you already are.  Words of wisdom from his highness that everyone should take to heart, if you ask me.

So, why is this in our house?  It’s in our house because every Christmas TW’s sister sends us a bottle of flavored vodka.  I don’t know why.  This year we asked why and were told she sent it because it is coffee flavored.  Ummm ok, well the bottles before that weren’t coffee flavored, they were raspberry and stuff like that.  Last year the bottle was simply poured down the drain.  The year before that I assume the same thing happened to it since nobody here drank it.  This year it’s up on the top shelf in our closet and I can’t decide if I want to give it away considering how I feel about drunk people and that whole alcohol just makes you dumber thing.  I’ll probably just pour it down the drain one day while on a closet cleaning rampage. 

What weirdness is in your house?  LJ’s = still waiting for the creator of the meme, Lee, to post her entry… why don’t you post yours while we wait?

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Daily Dose of Stuff – Monday Read More »

Daily Dose of Stuff – Monday

It’s Monday and that means it’s time for What’s This Doing In My House Monday.  TW suggested I photograph some weird metal bolt she found in one of the kids’ bedrooms over the weekend.  I was going to do that til I found a handful more of them in our room.  Now that we think we know why they are in our house, it seems sort of dumb to post photos of them.  So, I went off in search of something questionable.  It didn’t take long for me to find this.

Monday_001  Monday_002

I bump this thing every morning at 6am when I head out to feed the dogs.  I bump it everytime I head to the washing machine.  I bump it everytime I go to the big freezer.  It hangs on a piece of plywood that "covers" the hot water heater and I grumble about it every single day.

It’s been in my house for a good two years, maybe longer.  I thought Christopher found it and brought it home with the intention of creating some piece of "art" with it.  But last week the 1/2 child heard me cursing it and started raving about how lucky he was to have found such a great "piece" to use for an "art project".  I interrupted his ramble to suggest he get to work on actually creating art with it or consider taking it to his parents’ house instead.  It’s still here. 

***edited to add link to Michelle’s blog about Split Rock, the photos are Chrisopher’s***

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