Family Funk


I’m finding it a little weird that TW is sitting here emailing my ex mother in law. It’s bad enough that when we go to visit them I get NO attention and TW gets all of the attention. Hell she may get more attention than Michelle and I know she gets more attention than Christopher does. Have I mentioned my ex mother in law makes food that she knows TW loves because she “promised TW last time that she would”? Sheesh.

My ex mother in law loves TW. It’s weird. And I’m jealous! I’m also happy. And lucky. There are good people in my family.

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I surprised Michelle and TW with a little detour trip to South of the Border last weekend. They thought we were flying to Charlotte when we were actually driving (a whaley boy car! Prius) by way of South of the Border. Which really isn’t on the way but it worked, particularly since neither Michelle or TW had ever been there and since both have always wished to go.

southoftheborder-015.jpgIt was surprisingly fun, even if TW was sick and on prednisone. And even if most of the “attractions” were closed. Michelle, in particular, giggled nonstop for several hours on Friday night as we wandered around the neon and souvenirs.

I think we have to go back, hopefully when everything is actually OPEN – whenever that might be.

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Brutally Honest, That’s Me

hahahaha besides being nominated in the Blogger’s Choice Awards, Fast Times @ Homeschool High has been nominated for a Homeschool Blog Award… in the “Nitty Gritty” category. ‘Cause I’m brutally honest… particularly about making mistakes. Hahaha, if that doesn’t sum me up I don’t know what does.

Go Vote (registration is not required)

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I love New York

Some quick thoughts about our trip to “the city” (I still call it that, at least in my head. Years of living in Jersey will do that to you, I guess.)

1. Gas should not be cheaper in NYC than it is in Florida.

2. Pastis has great breakfast.

3. This was our first trip since 9/11 and it was much more difficult to get our bearings without the Twin Towers. I didn’t expect that.

4. I love corner delis where you can get two egg & cheese sandwiches on a hero with two cups of coffee for $5.

5. S’mac makes excellent macaroni & cheese. I had the goat cheese, spinach and olive. TW had the four cheese. Awesome.

6. The Point Knitting Cafe folks weren’t snobby at all!

7. The Gansevoort has great robes and an interesting mini bar (mile high club sex kit!). They also had nice toiletries and decent sheets. The room, however, was cold even before the weather turned cold. The video screen in the elevator – crazy weird. I finally decided it is some sort of tribue to Alex Grey and then I was ok with it. Sort of.

8. 36 hours in The City is not enough time, particularly when 5 hours of that is spent in an office!

I love New York

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Here are some little tidbits for you….

In Gainesville, they dump those really hazardous bottles of liquids into the water fountain right next to wear you go through security. Do not drink out of the water fountains just in case there were biohazards in those dangerous bottles.

Charlotte has become a smoke-free airport sometime between August of 2006 and today. Who knew?

The B terminal does not have enough seating down at the end where 14, 15, 16 are. They do have electric outlets for laptop charging and wifi.

Newark air traffic controllers are annoying – they have caused my flight to be delayed and I don’t like it.

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Back to work, but first….

Some tidbits from the trip home to Charleston:

Jenn’s new apartment is nice. Fewer stairs but too many for my taste (and my knee.) She’s following in her aunt’s footsteps and has a bedroom for the cat.

Riverview Holiday Inn was fun to stay in since I’ve wanted to stay there since I was tiny, tiny, tiny. (It’s a round Holiday Inn and it makes me think of Melissa and “North Carolina” now, which kind of messes with my head.)

The restaurant in the Riverview Holiday Inn, not so good since most people actually like to enjoy their food when they eat. I think they should go back to the old name (which was Prioleau’s) and maybe that will help the quality of the food.

Business sure is booming over there in West Ashley. Sheesh. It’s almost as “bad” as the north area! I do not like getting lost in my own home town, or feeling like I’m lost because NOTHING looks the same.

Cupcake was cute and interesting and fun to FINALLY find but my goodness what a lot of icing! I don’t really LIKE icing anyway, heh. If you like icing and a really sweet cupcake then you must track them down when you are in Charleston. (wrong end of King St! Don’t walk toward Broad, walk away from Broad) Pst… to the owners of Cupcake, your website is too hard to find. Whoever created it for you needs to do something about that.

I successfully avoided the dumb new bridge, though I did have to look at it from the hotel restaurant several times. And, I had to listen to a lot of touristy people and my dumb ex husband talk about it.

Jenn living West of the Ashley is going to cut our driving time. Taking 17 is much faster than going all of the way up to 26. If I can just avoid having to stop at my ex inlaw’s house… ah well, at least it will cut the trip in one direction. A visit to the lake is a requirement, my ex mil would be sad if she didn’t get to hang out with TW for a bit.

My new nephew (OK fine, ex nephew) is damn cute but his mother should not be old enough to have a baby. That stuff makes me feel old and people need to stop doing it. No more babies! No more nephews growing up. None of that. I’m done with it.

Gas is too damn expensive in Florida. I’m considering forcing Michelle to go to college in either Georgia or SC just for the gas prices.

Yarn shops are fascinating places. Even if they have very social dogs wandering around inside of them. If you’re a knitter and you are in Charleston, go to Knit. They’re nice people and the yarn is interesting. (I never thought I’d be talking about yarn shops on MY blog.) FYI there’s a parking garage right next door. How convenient is THAT?

OK enough with the Charleston recap, back to the real world.

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I Can Knit!

Finally!  I don’t have to hear TW talk about how my mother didn’t teach me important stuff when I was a child.  My mother taught me how to knit and hers didn’t! hahaha, my mother will be so pleased.  Those phone calls I make to her saying “why didn’t you teach me ____, TW says everybody’s mother taught them that!” are not her favorite phone calls.

Now just because I have realized I do know how to knit, because my mother taught me (just throwing that in again ’cause it is rare for me to be able to say that last part) doesn’t mean I am a knitter.  Or that I am going to start attending Stich n Bitch.  Oh no.  When I realized last night that I do remember how to knit, I also realized there is a reason why I haven’t been knitting all these years.  I don’t really like knitting.

It was fun to take the needles away from TW and knit a row real quick and hand it back – sort of smugly, I will admit.  And it was more fun to take the needles away from TW and purl a row real quick and hand it back – even more smugly.  But no, I don’t think knitting is something I’m going to become fixated on or passionate about.

It’s enough for me to say “MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME TO KNIT!”  hahaha

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A Pogo Stick is the Perfect Welcome Mat

A few years ago, RJ asked Santa for a pogo stick. Santa, being the obliging sort, provided. RJ pogo’d a little, but she’s not a great pogo-er so she put the stick aside. Prince J tried to pogo. Once. E loves the idea of the pogo stick but she doesn’t have enough weight to make it really pogo the way she would like. Chris and Michelle did some pogo-ing that Christmas. The half-child, who no longer lives with us, also pogo-d and liked it. But, mostly, the pogo stick sits on the front porch right next to the front door – forgotten and unused.


Except when Michelle and Christopher bring a new friend over to our house. Then, the pogo stick is a much loved, much used toy.

We will hear a car drive up. We will hear older teen and young adult voices outside. And then, we’ll hear a joyful “wowwwwwwwww a pogo stick!!!!” and then much bouncing ensues. And an awful lot of laughter, too.

These older teens and young adults love that pogo stick. It is really a great welcome mat.

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How could I have forgotten?

Well I didn’t actually forget, I just didn’t realize that today was March 1st. Which is sort of dumb since I’ve only written or typed March 1st a zillion times today. What, pray tell, is March 1st – that’s what you’re thinking, right? Silly people. March 1st is PIG DAY!

It is a “smiely” tradition that we have a PIG party and I have no pigs to share for the party. I’m so unprepared. I should be ashamed of myself. And I am. Really. So ashamed that I’m going right now to find you some PIGS to celebrate with.

Here – a PIG O WAR! That’s something worth celebrating, isn’t it? Everyone should know the History of the PIGGY BANK. You’ll astound and amaze folks at your next party or telephone meeting with this sort of knowledge! In honor of this great day, you should all empty your piggy banks and donate money to Pigs, a Sanctuary – tell them smiely sent you! Awwwww a Royal Dandie! How cute! (No Elizabeth, you cannot have one!)

Happy Pig Day to each and every one of you.

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