Family Funk

Daily Dose of Education – SAT

I normally make educational posts on Fast Times or Storm School but today, you Daily Dosers are in luck because I’m talking about education right here.  In fact I’m talking about the SAT, woohooo! Does it get anymore exciting than SAT? Not when you’ve got a junior in high school it doesn’t.  Even if she is a) homeschooled b) dual enrolled in college.

So, there’s this SAT test preparation tool. Have you seen it? I hadn’t seen it until tonight.  I took the practice test, it took about 20 minutes.  Algebra is NOT my thing, folks.  I surprised myself with geometry.  No surprises with reading, writing, grammar – piece of cake. 

What is interesting about this SAT test preparation site is that once you finish the practice test, you can set up a study schedule.  It provides exercises in all of the different areas, it provides examples of all of the different types of questions.  You get some graphs that show your goals and your progress and of course a countdown to your scheduled test date.

Michelle’s taking an SAT prep class through FLVS right now but I think she’ll enjoy using this site as a supplement to that – she can use all of the math help she can get.  Darn it.  Go take the practice test, it’s sort of fun.  Then share your score with your high schooler.  That will also be fun.

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Daily Dose of Insanity

Step away from Chris.  You know Chris, from Big Yellow House errr Notes from the Trenches errr In the Trenches of Motherhood.  It’s ok, step away from the crazy woman.  I know you love her.  I know you would happily follow her around her house, watching her every move, learning from her every thought.  I know you would gladly paint her house yellow just so she could be the Big Yellow House woman again.  I know how you feel.  I feel that way too.  I also know that she scared you today.  She scared you and you wanted to run and hide in a closet.  But insanity is fascinating and it’s alluring and dangerous.  Just step away.  Come sit by me where it is safe.

It is safe here.  You and I, we understand each other.  That whole spreadsheet, rubbermaid bin thing Chris is talking about, that’s just nuts.  We know this.  You and I, we’re normal.  We just toss all of the kids’ clothes into a trash bag and throw it in a closet or the garage or the basement or the attic.  We intend to do something with it.  Something that doesn’t include spreadsheets.

When the seasons change, we have no rubbermaid bins.  We make kids try on clothes in their drawer, clothes from a plastic garbage bag and we take their word for it when they bring us clothes that don’t fit. 

We wake one morning to find the boy no longer has 12 pairs of kakhi pants because he’s grown an inch or he’s popped the buttons.  We wake that same morning to find the wee one’s skorts and skirts are an inch too short.  We wake one morning to find the 10 year old showing more cleavage than the 23 year old on date night at the Windjammer and her midriff is bared too.  We don’t understand how this could have happened when just last week they tried on all of their clothes and only appeared with a few things that didn’t fit.  We don’t understand how this could have happened when last week there were no bare midriffs, no ankles showing, no tummies or cleavage being exposed.

We don’t have a spreadsheet so when we run to the store to quickly purchase new items of clothing we’ve forgotten who it is that is exposing the tummy, whose pants are too short, whose skirts too short.  We give up and come home with one of everything and hope for the best.

We are normal.  Chris.  Well.  She is fascinating.  And insane.  And frightening.  But it’s ok, come sit by me where it is safe.  This pile of old clothes in garbage bags is soft and comfy.  Tomorrow Chris will post something just as fascinating but a little less frightening.  We’ll be ok until then.

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Daily Dose of Birthdays

20I feel old.  I always feel old but today I feel extra old.  It’s Christopher’s birthday.  He is 20.  How did that happen?

Presents have been opened.  Candles blown out and wishes made.  Cheesecake eaten.  A lot of electric guitar has been played.  His g/f is on the phone and I suspect he will head out shortly to celebrate the rest of his day with people who don’t feel as old as I do

Old. Old. Old.

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Daily Dose of Stuff – Monday

P1010003_1This is a Dr Pepper can.  Well it isn’t anymore.  Now it is a mangled and destroyed piece of trash that was at one time a Dr Pepper can.  It was photographed today, on the floor of a child’s bedroom.  This is the second or maybe third such can that has been found on this child’s floor in this type of condition. 

At first, I found it amusing.  Teens of a certain age do this sort of thing.  Now, I’m not finding it quite as amusing.  The last thing we need is a torn up Dr Pepper can on the floor.  Not to mention the messyness, what about the safety issues involved in the destroying of the can and the leaving it on the floor for anyone brave enough to walk in barefeet in that particular bedroom to step on.  Not that I think anyone except child in question is umm brave enough to walk in barefeet in that particular bedroom.   

What IS this doing in my house and why does THIS type of thing keep appearing? And, would anyone care to lay odds on when it will happen again?

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Daily Dose of Kids and Computers

By jove! I think he’s got it! I walked all of the way up there and completely forgot to take another picture of his monitor. He says he modified his monitor frame to have his initials in it. Maybe I’ll get Michelle to take a photo of it because I am surely not hobbling all the way up those stairs again anytime soon.

I think I’ll get Chris to pull the cover off of the old Compaq and we’ll see what Prince J can do with legos. I’m thinking we’ll see a really elaborate design from him now that he’s got the idea down pat.

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Daily Dose of Cool and Confusion

Prince J brought down a new lego creation, which was sort of cool in the typical way. I suggested he make something BIG with his legos rather than something small, like he usually does. TW suggested making something round with those other “block thingies” up there and then we both suggested he make a PC Case Mod. He thought that was interesting and headed up to give it a try. Half hour later, he says he’s done it.

p1010001_1.jpgWell, ummm, not quite. As you can see, it’s cool but it’s not a case mod. The boy, didn’t quite understand “case mod”. Still cool. And now that he knows what we meant, maybe we’ll see another creation up there again soon.

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Daily Dose of Hair – Boring

Michelle has colored her hair, again.  I have been expecting it for awhile – there were only a couple of small little streaks of black left, in the front.  And, it’s back to school time.  I thought for sure we’d see a blue or a green, but no.  Alas.  Boring just a shade or two darker than her "normal" color.  A color that’s not quite blonde but close enough to blonde.

  Here I sit wondering what happened to me along the way to make me sigh over "blonde" and wish for the days when I had colorful haired kids.

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Daily Dose of Political Videos

I’ve been trying to get the big kids to do something interesting and useful with the video cameras they HAD to have.  So far, I haven’t had much luck.  I’m wondering if they would be interested in doing something like this: TAKE BACK THE CAPITOL.  It seems to be right up their alley, ya know?  They have strong ideas and feelings, maybe this is a good way for them to put them to use.

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Daily Dose of Recipe Doctor

After the Blogher extravaganza, we skipped Woolf Camp in favor of me nursing a hangover and meeting a very dear friend who I have only had the pleasure of chatting with on the phone or email over the last 4 years.  I finally met Elaine Magee, the Recipe Doctor!

And I was so brain-dead and hung-over that I didn’t even get a picture of the big event.  I had the darn phone in my hand or on the table in front of me and I didn’t even use it.  I’m an idiot.  TW said we should make her drive all the way back to the hotel so I could remedy the situation.  Ummm no, I love Elaine too much to ask her to do something like that, ’cause she’s so nice she would probably have done it.

Elaine is just that nice and it’s impossible to put into words how fantastic it was to meet her in person, finally.

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