Back Up Your Birth Control, Damn It
I made it! I am here to remind you that Emergency Contraception is available to YOU, over the counter, if you need it – or when you need it. Do NOT hesitate to go to your pharmacy if the condom breaks, if you forget to put your diaphragm in, if you are forced to have unprotected sex. In fact, I would urge you to do what I’ve done – buy a box right now. You can order it from if you like. Have it in your medicine cabinet and tell your friends that you have a box if they ever need it.
I bought a box one year ago. So far, nobody around here has needed it and it will expire in six months or so – and then I’ll throw it out and buy another box. Just in case.
And even if you don’t order your own box right now, you should make sure every woman of childbearing age knows that emergency contraception is available – over the counter. Spread the word. There are still many, many women who don’t know it is available. There are many, many women who don’t know what emergency contraception is. There are many, many women who are afraid to use emergency contraception. Reassure them. Help them find information. Support them as they learn more about their reproductive rights and options.
Back Up Your Birth Control – it’s your right and your responsibility – do it.
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