The UUs like y’all

Good news, (or not?) for our Trans friends and family members. Are all you trans men and women going to rush off to the Fellowship on Sunday? You’re welcome any old time. Sort of?

Interesting. Now I really wish my mom had gone to GA this year.

Here’s an update, CC linked with the explanation of what happened with the transgender inclusion issue. I haven’t had time to read it but wanted to put it out there for those who DO have the time.

2 thoughts on “The UUs like y’all”

  1. I ain’t no Republican… 😉

    To the wider issue, though (and as someone of no faith, I realise that this isn’t really my issue) I can’t help but feel that, if they even had to debate about whether to be nice to a group of people, they’ve got bigger problems. Is there a list of people or groups that UUs *aren’t* accepting of?

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