The Problem With Melissa is… she doesn’t know who she is

Before I ramble, let’s not forget that I love Melissa. I have loved everything she has ever done (except the cruise, but I say that with a smile) and I am guessing I will love everything she does in the future. But when I read an article like this, I get a little annoyed. Melissa says the folk label got attached to her, but she’s a rocker? umm really? OK then.

Melissa the “rocker” loves to rile up her audience by saying things like “I’m a user friendly folk singer” (after relaying a story about Ani telling an audience that “she’s not a user friendly folk singer”). So ok, Melissa isn’t a folkie, she just plays one on stage for fun.

Melissa is also a “rocker” who adds an awful lot of country twang to her songs every once in awhile, just out of the blue (I wonder what brought that on). Never give up is just rock n roll. OKKKKKKKKKK then. And there’s the Melissa who started her show after Delmhorst Andrew and Teddy opened for her by sitting on a stool and playing all alone saying “see I can do folk too, that’s where I started” (yes, I’m paraphrasing because it was like 2001 or something when I saw that show.)

I have absolutely no problem with Melissa being who she wants to be (or who she is), but damn woman – make up your mind or just claim it all – ha – claim your freedom to be all forms of music, but don’t deny the folkie or the country. Sheesh.

2 thoughts on “The Problem With Melissa is… she doesn’t know who she is”

  1. Aww but I love her because she reminds me of Bruce Springsteen. She does. Like the first woman singer that did. Ok…wait Springsteen is a folk singer these days. But he wasn’t…well he was…but he wasn’t.

  2. Pingback: The Problem With Melissa is… she doesn’t know who she is

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