Is it because she’s a dyke?

Finally! I knew there was a reason why The Lesbian Question blog has not disappeared from my blog feeds. A good topic has appeared, with a very good question.

Do I like musicians simply because they are lesbians or do I REALLY like their music?

My first instinct was to say that I really do like their music. But, after reflecting on this for a couple of days, it’s more complicated than that.

I liked Etheridge’s first two albums and never realized she was a lesbian. I’m old. She wasn’t out. I was living a different life and not really paying attention to that sort of thing anyway. We paid a lot for tickets to see her in Atlanta a few years ago. I doubt we’ll ever pay to see her live again. I don’t like her more recent albums very much at all but I’m still buying them because, well, because she’s Etheridge. And yes, part of that is because she’s a lesbian.

I’m not a huge Indigo Girls fan. I think Amy Ray is HOT but I’ve never bought one of their CDs and I don’t plan on buying one. I have a few of my favorite Indigo Girls songs on my iRiver and I love them on the old Rock for Choice cd (It Won’t Take Long). I doubt we’ll ever see them live again (we did attend a show for Damon records and they both wound up on stage for the finale – that’s enough for me. And TW saw them live a few years ago with her ex-husband, which was interesting and a whole ‘nother story…)

Ani, I adore but her sexuality (whatever direction she’s leaning toward right now) has nothing to do with it. I’ve bought some CDs and plan to buy the retrospective coming out this fall. I’ve paid to see her and suspect I’ll pay to see her again and again and again. My dream show is happening all fall with MF and Ani together. Unfortunately, they aren’t coming south so I’ll be living vicariously through photos and videos and blog entries.

I found Ferrick years ago in the way most lesbians seem to find her – DRIVE – now, it’s my least favorite song. If I only liked MF because of her orientation, that would be ridiculous, she’s not the best role model for a lesbian (in my oh so humble opinion).

I have been known to try other music simply because of the artist’s orientation – but I don’t keep buying over and over again if the music isn’t good. I don’t keep buying event tickets if the music isn’t good.

I could go on and on and talk about Tegan & Sara, Chris Williamson, k.d, Catie Curtis and on and on but it all comes down to the music.

To borrow from MF again:

Whether you be queer, straight, bi or trans.
Whether you be a hippie, gypsy or queer.
Everybody is welcome here.
‘Cause it’s about the music.

1 thought on “Is it because she’s a dyke?”

  1. Interesting! I know that when I was younger, I wouldn’t listen to many blind artists because people just assumed I should. Now, I will listen to the ones I like, but I wouldn’t say I seek them out. I’m also more likely to listen if the promote Braille reading in some way. Ginny Owens, a Christian artist had t-shirts with Braille on them, and Ronnie Milsap promotes Braille by mentioning it in concerts, and meeting kids and teens who are blind. One of his questions for me when I met him at that concert in November was whether I read Braille.

    I think image has a lot to do with much of this issue. The attitude artists have about their diversity plays a role in whether we like them. That’s my experience, anyway.

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