iPod Touch

Michelle confiscated my iRiver months ago and I haven’t seen it since. OK I have seen it, every day, attached to her ear as I’m driving her to school or work. I sometimes reach over and pet it, and she snatches it away. It has somehow become hers. And I want it back.

So, I did the only thing I could do. I bought her a new music player. An iPod Touch, to be exact. And she has no idea. She knows I bought her a present and it was arriving today. She also knows I was thrilled that it was arriving today because she has school til 2:45 and then works from 3 til 11. This means I get to play with her present before she does.

And play with it I have. It is awesome. Not quite awesome enough to buy one instead of an iPhone but very close. Very close.


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