A Lemon Earworm

This morning, don’t ask me how because I don’t remember, it became clear that the small children did not know the song “Puff the Magic Dragon”. I did the only thing I could possibly do, I downloaded it, and some more Peter, Paul & Mary, and we listened.

The bird is not impressed by Peter, Paul & Mary and the only comment from any of the children was from RJ – “I like the part when the kid dies.” Errr, yea. OK.

Then, Lemon Trees came on and all three children listened. When it ended there was much discussion about how stupid the song is because the “fruit of the poor lemon is POSSIBLE to eat” – the kids like lemons.

Err, yea. OK. I was trying to work and will admit that I had absolutely no interest in explaining the moral of the story to them. And that was fine because it was time for eggs benedict (which coincidentally involves lemons) and they wouldn’t have listened to me anyway. They were too busy eating.

All day long I’ve been fighting to keep the chorus of Lemon Trees OUT of my head. Apparently Liz was thinking about lemons too because she eventually asked to make lemonade. And now, that darn song is totally and completely stuck in my head.

The lemon tree, oh so pretty
And the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon
Is impossible to eat

Over… and over… and overrrrrr again.

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