The Joy

We have discovered a silver lining in this sow’s ear of a move. Living within a few miles of the mother of THE Jory DesJardins… being able to see the childhood home of THE Jory DesJardins… being able to sit at a desk in the girlhood bedroom of THE Jory DesJardins…being able to wander into the basement that THE Jory DesJardins spent time in as a child… what a silver lining that is.

fireplace.jpgI mean seriously. Jory’s house… we walked in and we felt immediately at “home” even though the house itself didn’t look like my childhood home, it felt familiar and comfortable. But let’s not talk about the house. Or about Jory. Let’s talk about Joy – from Joy of Six.

joy.jpgJoy is awesome. She’s fun to work with and fun to hang out and chat with. We laughed and we laughed and we laughed, and we weren’t always laughing at stories about Jory as a little girl. We laughed about all sorts of things.

I still don’t really relish the idea of moving north but at least Joy will be there and she’ll let us come and hang out with her in that cool house and she’ll tell us stories about her kids and her grandkids and we’ll just laugh and laugh some more.

Silver lining.

2 thoughts on “The Joy”

  1. I see some fun times ahead sweetie….us ladies hanging out with our computers, laughing and taking care of business….not so unlike when Jory comes in. This house is use to much laughter and many voices….and it will be so nice to add yours to the mix. Silver lining indeed….for me too. ~xo

  2. Wow, just when I thought this might all be a joke, I see the wood paneled living room and realize, oh no, this really happened. Denise actually made the pilgrimmage to Mom’s house. People don’t believe me when I tell them I grew up in a house with a basement that was fluorescent pink, orange, and yellow, but yes, it’s true. Did you get to see the Beanie Baby collection? I can’t remember whether Mom dismantled it. But upon entering the home you start to get why I’m a minimalist. When you grew up with candles and tchotchkes all over the place, you appreciate open space. Still I love the candles.

    I’m really hoping she didn’t tell you the stories about when I came home late in high school. She was really quite forgiving.

    Now the party’s in Chicago! Honestly, D. You will love it out there. E-town was my stomping ground. And while your kids are likely going to be Trevians or going to Glenbrook North or South, God forbid, you will see that the water is decent, the people are oh so nice, and you really can’t beat the pizza.

    Wish I had been there!

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