
So I went to a Stitch ‘n Bitch

I only went to lure the shy TW into the group and what did we find when we arrived? Our old friend Laura who we originally met online YEARS ago. The same Laura who was also TW’s nurse the first time she was in the hospital for UC (now Crohn’s). Gainesville is a small, small town. And Laura had her spinning wheel.

The Stitch ‘n Bitchers were very nice, very welcoming, very yarn crazy. Very interesting to me, a non-yarn person. Heh. Two spinning wheels in attendance. INTERESTING. And it was cool to meet the famous Lorena from Snarkland in person. Finally.

Anyone want to take bets on how long it is before TW owns a spinning wheel?

So I went to a Stitch ‘n Bitch Read More »

I’m not transphobic

I’m definitely not transphobic.

And, while I do support women born women spaces, in some instances, this isn’t the problem either.

I simply do not like the transgendered monologue that has been added to the Vagina Monologues. It does absolutely NOTHING for me. It feels flat, uninspired and there is no passion in it. Ensler can do better and trans women deserve better.

Last year, I thought it was the multiple voices doing the monologue. This year, I’ve decided that’s not the problem. The monologue just plain stinks. Something called They Beat the Girl Out of My Boy… Or So They Tried should be a lot more passionate than it actually IS. I would really love to see the other trans monologues, surely they are better than this one.

Other than this little gripe, we enjoyed this year’s performance of the Vagina Monologues.

  • It was amusing having it at “our church”.
  • The crowd was too small.
  • The elderly man in front of us who told his wife very loudly during the Vagina Workshop that he was leaving was sad and amusing. (Why don’t people research these things before they attend? Why would he have agreed to go to something called the Vagina Monologues in the first place?)
  • Speaking of the Vagina Workshop – weird not hearing it with a British accent but I enjoyed the performance.
  • I was also pleasantly surprised by The Flood – except she flubbed her best line “Closed due to flooding” – she said “Due closed to flooding”, heh.
  • The tshirt is much better this year than last. It will look fabulous with Susie Bright’s “Clits Up” button. Now to get Michelle to wear it so I can take a photo.

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    Daily Dose of Cupcakes

    chocolate.jpgIn honor of The Vagina Monologues, which I believe we are going to see tonight, our cupcakes will be topped with miniature chocolate vaginas. I think the regular size ones are too big for a cupcake. Darn it. If you don’t have college students selling chocolate vaginas, you can get your own miniature vagina candy mold, try Streichs.com and search for “bite size vagina candy mold” (which I’m not linking because, well, errr, I get enough porn spam as it is thank you very much).

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    Guys are hurting us

    Burningbird – Steve Levy, Dave Sifrey, and NZ Bear: You are Hurting Us

    I know, some people are tired of this topic, but saying you’re tired of this topic is like saying you’re tired of hearing about gay rights or women’s rights or any other topic where one majority group is minimizing the needs and issues of another. Face it, the guys minimized the issue and the guys just keep linking themselves and each other and so it goes. Patriarchy is alive and well and thriving in the Blogosphere just as it does in the “real” world.

    If you missed the first part of this, here’s a link – it’s well worth a read, comments as well.

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