Daily Dose

I Love Wells Fargo, Even When They Piss Me The Hell Off

There I was, standing in the shoppette at Great Lakes Naval Station, thinking about all of the things I needed to get done and trying to plan every detail down to the last second so I could get – it – DONE when the clerk asked me to run my debit card through the machine thingy again.

No surprise, this happens a lot at the shoppette, the NEX, and the commissary.

I ran it again.


He tried it manually.


WTF? I just used it at the gas pump outside, with no problem.

Whatever. It happens. The machine breaks. Wells Fargo breaks. No big deal. I pulled out another card, paid, and grumbled my way to the car.

I pulled out my phone, checked my balance — it was exactly what it should have been, so why the heck was Wells Fargo declining my debit card. Who has time for this on Black Friday, for goodness sakes?

Luckily, I wasn’t planning on doing much shopping — less than $50 at the commissary and I had cash for our Robeks/McDonald’s run. No big deal.

As I was standing in Robeks a half hour later, my phone buzzed — an 800 number, I didn’t pick up. They didn’t leave a voicemail. I called it back and oh hell — Wells Fargo Fraud Prevention or Protection or whatever they call that department.

Figures. They decided to question my charges on Black Friday? How inconvenient could that have been if I was a different person or in a different financial situation?

Their nice little recording thingy had me verify my last five charges:

1) Evanston Maid Pro (a cleaning service in Evanston, Il) for $XX. The recording actually says these things.
2) Clarks Shoes (a shoe store in Somewhere, MA) for $XXX.
3) Toms Shoes (a shoe store in Somewhere, CA) for $XX.
4) A denied charge (at the Great Lakes< ILL NEX shoppette) for $XX 5) Amazon.com (a bookstore in Washington) for $XXX (I chuckled at Amazon still being called a bookstore, lol) I verified that all of those charges were MINE (for godsakes) and they agreed to let me use my debit card to buy more of the things, which was nice of them since it's my darn debit card and I have a lot of kids, a puppy, and a grandson to shop for. I do love my bank but damn that was annoying.

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A Weird Thanksgiving Shopping Day

TW and I have been going to Kmart, Walgreens and CVS on Thanksgiving for more than 10 years and we’ve never experienced a shopping day quite like this one.

First, we walked out of Kmart without pajamas and without socks and without any weird Christmas gift packages and without any DVDs or video games. That has NEVER happened. Ever. We didn’t even find anything that we wanted to buy for Johnny Mac Pippin OR for Skeeter. Either the stuff we found interesting wasn’t on sale or they just didn’t have the stuff that normally catches our eye. Don’t get me wrong, we still bought stuff — we just didn’t buy the stuff we normally buy and expected to buy.


Our Walgreens trip was eventful only in the fact that they had everything on my list — this is not something that usually happens to me on a Walgreens coupon trip.

And then there was CVS. Weird, weird, weird…

Last Sunday, we bought a ton of stuff that gave us the full price back in ECBs so we had almost $80 in ECBs to spend today and as we checked out, the cashier (who checked us out on Sunday, by the way) began to rant about stores being open on Thanksgiving. I don’t know what rock she’s been under but drugstores being open on Thanksgiving is not new. It wasn’t crowded, so I don’t think I can chalk it up to having a stressed out day — their big day was really last Sunday when the big batch of ECB sales came out.

Then, she started ranting about “the company” — and how she doesn’t understand what’s going on with “the company” that they can give away all of this stuff. And all day, every day, people come in with these ECBs and basically get this stuff for free and Target and Walgreens don’t do this so why does “this company” do this?

And when I tried to explain that Walgreens actually does something very similar and I’d just spent $75 at Walgreens fifteen minutes ago and gotten $50 back in RRs she acted like I was lying because she prefers Walgreens and she’s never gotten anything like “this” at that store. And then she ranted some more about “this company” and giving away all of this product for free with these coupons and she just likes Walgreens so much better.

I… couldn’t figure out what the proper response should be since me trying to explain that you can get free stuff at Walgreens (and even Target, lol) didn’t seem to be the right answer. And when I tried to explain how much I love CVS because it’s clean and the people are friendly and it’s just a nicer store she said, again, that her friends say that too but she likes Walgreens.

See — weird. Very weird.

I kind of hope she’s not my cashier again — I kind of liked her last Sunday but after today, I dunno. She creeped me out and made me kind of grouchy. I like CVS and I don’t want my CVS cashier trying to tell me that I shouldn’t.

I spent $15 out of pocket today and walked out with another $24 in ECBs — What’s not to like?

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Photos For Johnny Mac Pippin

You might have seen the post I wrote on BlogHer.com filled with gift ideas for Johnny Mac Pippin — and you might have noticed that I did not include any type of photo album for him. Texasebeth noticed and made the suggestion and that was awesome — because it’s on my list of things to do.

I was hoping (and am still a little hopeful) that he and his parents would be moving back to the mainland sometime soon, so we would have more opportunities to visit JMP and he would have more opportunities to visit us. Hoping that we could all get to know each other face to face rather than through Facetime. Because as much as JMP loves his mom’s iPhone, it’s just not quite the same as getting to cuddle and giggle in person.

As the days start slipping by and there’s no sign that they are going to be moving I’ve started thinking about sending JMP a picture album filled with pictures of family members who wish they could spend more time with him — something he can look at and play with and his parents can point out all of his people.

A few weeks ago, I ordered a couple of really nice books from Paper Coterie — a journal/notebook and a “quotable” book that I’m going to try and remember to update once JMP starts talking, for real.

These books are really nice and I’m impressed by the quality and by how easy it was to make both of them.

So — I think I’m going to head back there and make JMP a nice photo album all his own. I hope he likes it.

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Grand Plans Cancelled Due to Illness

I thought I was going to blog about something real. Something not dog related. Something not book related. An actual honest to god topic. I even had three to choose from. But that’s not happening. I’m only writing this because it’s day 20 and I’ll be damned if I’m going to fail at another NaBlo, dammit.

I am sick. I feel pretty darn proud of myself for having (mostly) made it through the work day. Without breaking anything. Or causing any significant problems for others.

I am sick. I need to get up right now, while I’m not moaning and coughing and TW isn’t telling me I look like shit, and get ready for the cleaning ladies who are coming tomorrow.

I am sick. I hope tomorrow I will feel well enough to blog about something other than my illness or a dog or a book.

Keep your fingers crossed or pray for me or do whatever it is you do to help people recover from illnesses. Pretending I’m not sick didn’t help. Neither do over the counter medications or TW’s really yummy ginger tea. (Gosh that’s really yummy and almost as good as feel better tea, which I don’t have.)

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Thanksgiving Tradition: Shopping!

I got into the habit of shopping on Thanksgiving when I lived overseas. I’d usually spend the morning with my family, we’d eat an early dinner at around 2pm and then I’d head out to do some shopping while folks lounged in front of the TV watching football (which I did NOT want to watch) or hung out with their friends (which I did not need to supervise.)

It was a really nice way to get a jump start on holiday shopping — a Thursday afternoon is not generally high shopping time in either Panama or the Philippines, so it was fabulous. No crowds. No kids.

TW and I started doing Thanksgiving day shopping but we’d do it in the morning while the teens were sleeping and the little kids were lounging around with legos or books or a movie on TV. A trip to the drugstore for stocking stuffers on Thanksgiving morning was a great way to knock out some shopping without a lot of stress. When we realized that K-mart was also open on Thanksgiving, that just made things all the better. Holiday pajamas, socks, dvds, odds and ends that just jumped into the cart — no crowds, no kids. It was fabulous.

A couple of hours of early morning shopping, then we head home for an hour nap. Afterwards, we’re up and cooking, hanging with kids (if they’re here), pulling out holiday decorations, and just generally kicking off the winter holiday knowing that we’ve gotten a nice bit of holiday shopping out of the way and we didn’t have to fight the crowds to do it.

Thanksgiving is one of the few days a year that I actually look forward to shopping. No joke — it’s stress-free shopping and I love it.

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Weapon of Mass Destruction

Our floors are sprinkled with bits and pieces of dead toys. Little fluffy orange bits here, there, and over there too. Little white foamy pieces there, and there and also there. Little blue strings everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

Three toys have bit the dust this week.

An orange fuzzy gecko (that looks like no gecko I’ve ever seen) was first — she started pulling the squeakers out of it while TW was in the hospital and all that’s left is a bit of the head and the tail, the latter of which does still have the plastic bead shaker thingy in it. Funny thing about this toy’s demise, they call it the Invincible Gecko Dog Toy. Invincible my ass. Thankfully I only paid $3 for it on clearance at Petco a couple of weeks ago (I almost bought the super duper 12′ long version for $25, lol.)

She ate an entire Martha Stewart tennis ball and caused me to wonder whether those balls have little rubber band balls in the center… surely not. Surely Martha knows dogs eat these things and those little rubber balls would be bad. Thankfully(?) Skeeter brought me another Martha Stewart tennis ball that she’s working on eating and I could reach my finger inside to see that there is no little rubber ball in there. That’s good. Those little blue threads from the tennis ball all over the floor are not so good. They stick to your socks and to the broom when you’re trying to sweep them up.

Yesterday she demolished one of the first toys we ever bought her — a foamy blue bone with squeakers in both ends. She ate the center piece and was working on the ends when I took them away, afraid she’d swallow the plastic squeakers that were still squeaking.

The toy bin that used to be overflowing with toys is not so overflowing this week. Good thing Christmas is coming, I’m sure Santa will bring her some new toys to eat play with.

(FYI, last month she destroyed another toy that I’m probably going to buy again. We bought a Kong Wild Knots Flamingo at Wilmette Pet last month and she immediately loved that thing. Loved it to death but she really, really loved it. Thankfully, I’ve found it a bunch of places online for less than $10. Impulse pet toy shopping is a bad idea, that thing cost $25 at the pet store! This is a great toy, it looks like a plain ole stuffed animal but it’s got knotted ropes inside which makes puppy chewing fun.)

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Taking In Strays

I have a history of taking in strays — not the kind of strays you might think.

I take in stray kids.

It started years ago, when Audrey spent as much time in our home as she did in her home with her single, active duty service member mom. It just made sense. She was Jenn’s friend. She was in our Girl Scout troop. Her mom worked weird hours or was gone a lot. So, she just stayed with us. She probably would have stayed even more if she’d attended the same school Jenn did — but she didn’t, she lived at the other end of the base so she did sometimes go home and was often alone when she was there.

Chris and Michelle grew up with Audrey always at our house. They learned early that stray kids who need a place to stay or just want to stay with us are welcome. So stray girlfriends, boyfriends or just friends would should up and suddenly we realized they’d been here for weeks on end. Some of those kids lived with us for years without ever actually discussing it with us. It was fine.

Stray kids were welcome.

Now that none of those big kids live here with us, I thought those days might be over. The little kids have never been inclined to bring home stray kids that way. It might happen some day, because they did grow up with extra kids in the house and while they generally ignored Chris’s girlfriends who stayed off and on, they loved Chuck — the house fairy. So ya never know, they may bring home a stray of their own someday. Time will tell.

I did find it very amusing when Michelle buzzed me a couple of days ago to tell me that her friend Susan was not going to be visiting her in Philadelphia as originally planned — instead, she was moving to Chicago and… she needed a place to stay. Could she…?

I laughed and told her she could. Michelle said “Cool, she and her boyfriend will be there tomorrow.” lol

They didn’t turn up yesterday… they showed up today, instead.

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The Fake Car Accident

I’m tired of writing about TW’s tummy troubles and about puppies but darn if I’m finding time to plan a post before it’s suddenly 7:30pm and I have no freaking topic to write about. I’ve got to do a better job of planning these posts because I’m pretty sure you’re getting sick of hearing about TW’s gut and Skeeter’s annoying habits.

So tomorrow — no posts about hospitals, dogs, or crap like that, ok?

Today, however, I’ll point you to the post TW wrote way back in 2007 where she first mentioned the “car accident” as we’ve come to call the unexplained back pain that she’s been living with for, well, more than five years now.

Yep, she went to the doctor with what she thought might be a UTI — or she hoped might be a UTI because the back pain was errr painful and a doctor actually asked her if she was SURE she had not been in a car accident and she had just forgotten… and then he sent her on her way.

Turns out there’s an actual name for this pain that she’s had for all of these years and not a single damn doctor had ever bothered to tell her what this was or why it happened — until the nice Dr Elliot, (one of the doctor’s in TW”s primary care doctor’s office.)

I don’t actually remember what he said this was called. But it’s related to gas and the abdominal wall and hell I don’t know. I’m just going to keep calling it the fake car accident — but it was nice to have a doctor explain something. For once.

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All I Can Do Is Laugh

After last week, I had great plans for today. I was going to GET. SHIT. DONE.

What was I thinking?

Spending more than three hours in the car, driving people around, does not make it easy to GET. SHIT. DONE. unless the shit you have to do involves driving people around.

So I started work early and I’m ending work late and now that I’ve cleaned out my inbox of surprise emails and (mostly) finished the post that was due (hi Jenna!) I can get back to the real work-day to do list.

Or I could if the puppy would leave me alone.

I just keep reminding myself… it could be worse, it could be like LAST WEEK. And then I grab a piece of fruit (thanks KarenLynn!) and watch Johnny Mac Pippin for a few minutes. And laugh. All I can do is laugh.

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I Did NOT Push a Kid Under a Counter

TW takes a lot of meds and some of those meds make it hard for her to sleep, so she takes a sleeping pill. To be specific, she takes Lunesta. This works really well for her but it’s not so great for me. Last night’s a good example of the power of the “butterfly” pill.

I turned off my bedside lamp at around 10pm. TW took her evening meds and then we took the dog out one last time (hah) shortly after that. I climbed into bed and rolled over to go to sleep while TW finished a chapter of a book. The puppy was laying on her bed, on the floor — until all hell broke loose and she sniffed something scary. (More on sniffing scary things tomorrow…)

TW got up and walked her around the house and outside and generally made soothing noises along with warming up a frozen beef bone to keep her occupied rather than sniffing scary things.

She came to bed at about 10:45 and turned off her light. The puppy was on the floor eating a mostly frozen bone. The puppy eating that bone was very, very loud and I commented upon this to TW. Her response was, “It’s better than her running around howling and growling and barking.”, which was true.

I closed my eyes again, listening to the dog make horrible bone chewing noises. I was just getting used to those noises enough that I thought I might be going to sleep when TW said, in a loud and clear voice, “Why did you push that kid under the counter?”

I said, “Huh?”

She said, “Why did you push that kid under the counter?”

I said, “What?”

She said, “That kid at the ice cream shop.”


She said, “OK”

It was obvious to me that she was asleep and talking. She does this a lot after taking her sleeping pill but it’s not usually so quickly after falling asleep. And she’s not usually so clear — it’s more often low mumbling that I have to fight to listen to in order to make out the words.

At 10:58pm her phone vibrated.

She JUMPED out of bed (this is a big deal because TW never jumps out of bed and she’d also just gotten out of the hospital and was taking more woozy inducing meds than just a sleeping pill.) She read the text, I assume from Prince J, typed something, peed, and then climbed back in bed.

Notice the time between her turning off her light, accusing me of doing something weird to a kid, and the text message? 13 minutes. 13 minutes!

Because besides the bone crunching noises, the dog also spent much of the night growling, howling, barking, pacing, jump on the bed and laying there for awhile, jumping off the bed and eating her bone again for awhile (or sleeping on her own darn bed) and TW says she doesn’t remember ANY OF THAT.

She also doesn’t remember taking the dog outside or wandering around the house with the dog twice more in the wee hours.

The power of Lunesta. She sleeps through all sorts of things and I get no sleep at all.

And no, I’ve never pushed a kid under any counter much less an ice cream counter.

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