Melissa Ferrick

Daily Dose of Music – Shatter Me

I had a really interesting Random 10 to share but I don’t have time to post it in the fashion I would like, which is "story" fashion.  So instead, you get a bonus music download instead.  Shatter Me  was part of the Random 10 and I just happen to have not one but two boots of the song for your listening pleasure… thanks to the amazing Cincheetah, (which is where I originally got them and where you can find dozens of other MF boots).

I’m a bonafide independent superhero
and I will tell you the truth right to your face… 
you will not, shatter me.

These are LIVE boots (An Ani Difranco story is on one of them, for you Ani fans) so there is background noise and chatter and they are Real Audio files so grabe a real player if you don’t already have one. 

Download mfshatterme.rm

Download mfshatterme2.rm

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Daily Dose of Music – Melissa Ferrick

Since I blogged earlier this morning about Glen Phillips opening for Melissa, everyone can assume we did in fact see Melissa at Skipper’s in Tampa on Friday, right?  Folks you should know by now NEVER to assume such a thing but in this case, you would be right.  We did see Melissa but not without some concern that she "got off the boat". 

Glen started his set at 8:30, playing to a packed house (can you call an outdoor bar a "house"? I guess you can since I just did) with people still in line outside buying tickets.  A couple of songs into the set someone came out and handed him a note.  I figured once again someone had parked in a bad spot and he was going to have to ask the folks with the white mercedes to move.  But no, apparently Melissa was in fact going to make it – there had been some doubt!?!  News to us and the hundreds who were waiting in line to buy those tickets but that’s a blog post for another day… Glen played on.  And played on.  And played on.  An hour goes by and he finishes only to come back out for an encore since Melissa was looking for a place to park?  (Weird since Melissa generally tours with her opener as in tours in the same vehicle – how did Glen manage to make it but Melissa didn’t?  Did she go out to buy his socks and get stuck in traffic?)  He finishes his encore and the radio station folks get up to talk about their station and their raffle and assure us Melissa will be out soon, she’s getting ready.

Another 45 minutes pass and the radio folks come out again (no sign of Melissa’s gear at all…) to give away their raffle prizes.  15 minutes later we get the first reassurance that we might, in fact, see Melissa – mics are changed, gear is brought out and there she is… orange sweatshirt and a couple of hospital wrist bands dangling from her left wrist.  Hmmmm

She sets up quickly, sound checks quickly and quickly tells us that she is sick and asked them to fast track her ’cause she had to play tonight because there were so many people waiting… and play she did.  In the sweatshirt, wihch was odd – not the orange that both she and Michelle were troubled by, just the sweats in general was odd.  She didn’t chat much with the crowd and when she did, her voice was quiet and tired and shakey.  She didn’t drink near enough water during the set – she never does but when you’re sick… (I only play a doctor on the internet folks, but dehydration is not something to screw around with)…

Did I mention she played?  She did.  She played hard.  She had no visible set list (unusual).  She played an interesting mix of songs.  Not many new ones which I was both disappointed and appreciative of – I’m not overly fond of the new ones thus far but hearing them live, more often, would probably help that…

She likes playing at Skipper’s and Skipper’s likes her. Playing sick, and she definitely was sick – the wobble and grab for the monitor at the end was definite proof if anyone had doubts – but her performance on Friday is the sort that leads us to feel the Melissa groupie lust.  It’s the type of performance that makes us think about whether we could manage a trip to Lake Worth for the Saturday show.  Whether we could handle the drive home after the Freebird Live show in Jax. Whether we could take Tuesday off work and Wednesday, too, for the show at the only bar I’ve ever considered worth going to. 

Melissa did what she does best, she put everything she had to give into her music and we got to experience it.  (more photos here)  Thanks Melissa – feel better, and if you don’t – then get off the boat and take a break, we do still love you when you need a break to take care of yourself. 

**edited to add…Melissa has cancelled her shows through the 11th but is scheduled to appear (I’m guessing this isn’t a performance) at the Delray Film Festival where Decade will be screened.  Both the cancellations and the film festival are good, in my opinion.   FYI Glen Phillips will still perform at the previously scheduled events so don’t get a refund, go and enjoy Glen!**

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Daily Dose of Music – Gay Cowboys

From the title of this post you might think I’m going to talk about all of the blog fluttering about Willie Nelson and his gay cowboys.  I’m not.  I don’t DO Willie Nelson.  I don’t like Willie Nelson.  I only tolerate discussions about Willie Nelson for the awesome Nuthinfancy and the amazing catnmousie.  So no, this is not about that MAN.  And I’m not sorry, either.

When I first heard about the movie Brokeback Mountain and all of it’s "awesome" gay cowboyness my first thought was Y’all and their song My Man, Our Horses, and Me from the OUT LOUD cd.  I tried very hard to push that image from my mind.  I saw the movie and while it wasn’t anything like the "classic" gay cowboy song that the Flamingo House Family has often giggled over, I couldn’t get that song out of my head.  It’s just that kind of song.  You say gay cowboys, I think "side saddle".  You say gay cowboys again and I think "her name is windy". 

Go listen – and if you’re so inclined, listen to some of our "family favorites" from the cd while you’re there… The only Indigo Girls song I like, "This Train"…  "Weddings are Icky", because they ARE! … Chris and his friends loved  "Shave Your Head", one of the kids really loved "Kiss My Sticky" (guess which one!) and of course Melissa Ferrick is awesome with a song she never sings in her live performances, "Taking a Liking".

Out Loud folks, with gay cowboys.  And no Willie Nelson in sight!

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Daily Dose of Music – With a Twist

Sony is launching a new music label, Music With a Twist.  The line up will include GLBT artists "who have mass appeal and hit potential across all musical genres". 

What, exactly does that mean?  And do GLBT musicians want or need a separate label?

If it means they’re looking for GLBT artists whose music reflects who they are and where they’ve come from and truly resonates with the GLBT community, then heck yea.  Why not?  Colleen asks "Would Elton John jump at the chance to be on Music With a Twist?" – that’s not a fair question at all.  Obviously at this stage in the game, he wouldn’t.  Why would he?  He is gay, certainly, but his music doesn’t reflect his homosexuality, the GLBT culture or anything else that’s gay.  30 years ago would he have jumped, I think he might have.   The real question is would a group like our local group Redboy jump to join?  I haven’t talked to them but I bet you they certainly would.  I’ll ask TJ (the non lesbian boy drummer in the band) the next time I see him and get back to you on that.

If it means they’re looking for GLBT artists whose music is gender neutral and watered down for mass consumption, then I cannot imagine a GLBT artist wanting to be included on such a label.

Look at what happened to Melissa Ferrick and Atlantic.  Lesbian chic was in and still Atlantic didn’t know what to do with her.  They had a special gay marketing group and still they didn’t know what to do with her.  If this is more of the same, then Music With a Twist isn’t going to work for a lot of artists or for GLBT consumers. 

And speaking of Melissa and twists – Here she is talking about this little label and it’s looking like she’s either in or she wants to be in.    Which again answers Colleen’s question – Elton may not want in, but Melissa does. 

As Melissa will tell you during every performance, it isn’t about whether you are gay, straight, bisexual or transgendered – it’s about the music.  But she’s smart enough to know who got her where she is and what it takes to get her where she wants to go.  A solidly promoted alternative label like Music With a Twist can allow her to use the GLBT fan base in a positive way – and from there the music will do the rest.

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Daily Dose of Music – Decade

At the risk of making it look like I’m writing a MUSIC blog, or more likely a Melissa Ferrick blog, I’m writing another entry about music and Ferrick. I’m going to try really hard not to post about music (or Melissa) until at least after Christmas. Surely I can hold out a couple of weeks, can’t I? Maybe write about gay marriage or queer blogs or why boys are smelly but smell is no the prime indication that you are a boy or have a boy or maybe even that us/them piece about homeschool and school at home? Surely. But until then, Melissa it is.

Awhile back I talked about ordering two copies of Melissa’s DVD, Decade. Well I did and they arrived on Saturday to applause and whistles. Well no, not really, but Michelle did jump up and down and say “Thank you Mommy” about ten times. Which is high praise from an almost 16 year old.

Michelle and the half kid who half lives with us watched “her” copy upstairs and TW and I watched “our” copy in the bedroom on TW’s laptop (first time we’ve ever watched a DVD on a laptop in bed). It was cool, the DVD not the DVD on laptop watching part.

Really interesting to see Melissa and her “big break” – opening for Morrissey when she was 23 and unknown. How young and out of place she looked at the photo shoot, the makeup, the hair, the kiss Atlantic record executive butt nervousness. No wonder she was less than clean at that time of her life. And “Happy Song”, gosh I apologize for ever making fun of it or giggling about it (but I won’t apologize for having giggled and laughed at “Favorite Person in the World” cause that’s just one weird song for MF, ya know?)

From her big break to WAR to Right On Records and Brian – man I miss Brian. That’s pretty much what the entire second part of the DVD had me saying. I felt like a broken record. I miss Brian. I miss Brian. I miss Brian. I hope Brian Winton is doing a vanity search and comes across this post so he knows I MISS BRIAN. Pretty amusing and amazing watching MF and Brian setting up the studio at her parents’ house (too bad there wasn’t more footage of mom and dad, ya know?) and thinking about Valentine Heartache coming out of that big event. Cool, really cool.

Melissa – Decade was worth waiting for. I’m glad I bought two copies and I’m probably going to go ahead and order that third copy, just in case something happens to these two…

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Daily Dose of Music – Carnival

OK I was thrilled and honored to be included in the Carnivial of Roaches but this newest honor is even BIGGER. I was included in the Carnival of Music!

Why is this even bigger? First, because I had no idea – I didn’t submit anything! Wow! And second, cause I am STILL a Ferrick Fan and hope folks click into my post and from there listen to her music.

Thanks Elisa! Now everyone run over and click all of the links in the Carnival of Music!

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Daily Dose of Music – Melissa Ferrick

I don’t think I can consider myself a Melissa Ferrick groupie any longer. I am just not feeling it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a huge fan: the iRiver is overloaded with Ferrick music, the cds in the car are 90% Melissa, the big kids all have Melissa cds, RJ’s favorite song is Anything, Anywhere, the big kids have Ferrick stickers all over their guitars, and we still spend hundreds of dollars to see her shows. I’m just not feeling compelled to bust my rear (and my family’s) in order to see every show in the southeast.

I found this post about someone else who is just not feeling it. He had another awesome post about Melissa love and the contrast between the two is a lot like how I was (or am?) feeling.

I think it stems from the huge letdown of the cruise. (I’m not doing a blame thing here, just stating the facts) Before the cruise, I was still feeling the DRIVE (excuse the pun) to see her EVERY CHANCE I GOT and working schedules and finances in order to do that. After the cruise, the next time I saw her was at Calliope Fest and she was terrific but some spark was missing – from her and from me, I think.

Months have passed, she hasn’t played Florida much at all and that’s probably part of the lackluster feelings as well. She is in Florida now – we don’t have tickets. We didn’t go see her in St Augustine yesterday (or was it the day before? another sign of my lackluster feelings, I don’t even know which day she was playing). We did spend a gazillion dollars to see her twice in Atlanta last weekend, and I’m glad about that.

The Atlanta shows were good. Really good because the spark seemed to be back in Melissa. That happens to her when she’s playing with someone she is really enjoying – and oh boy is she enjoying Natalia. (I’m not enjoying Natalia all that much, too much twang going on in her sets and it’s bridging over to Melissa’s. That’s another thing that happens with Melissa…think about Brian and the really hard and loud drums. That was awesome, loved it, but when things fell apart with them “personally” she was all about how bad that was for her music. OOOOOK. I suspect the same thing will happen at some point with Natalia, not that I’m hoping for bad things for Melissa, I’m not. I just suspect it will happen. She has a track record, doesn’t she?)

I love that the shows were “DRIVE-FREE”. (Sorry to all of you young follk who need to hear Melissa sing it, go grab some boots and move on, please) I love that she’s singing the old songs, she sang Happy Song for goodness sakes, one of the few songs we’ve never heard her do on stage. She didn’t sing Bad, Bad Girl which was a little disappointing because it’s a good song. She only sang Other Side during the second show.

The new songs, they’re still growing on me. None of them has grabbed me the way the songs from The Other Side did when she first began to play them at her shows, long before the cd was released. Stuck drives me insane because I was STUCK on that darn boat and didn’t want to be there once she was “un STUCK. Stabbed is a good song but her rant about that Atlanta artist who is stabbing people in the back is a bit tiring, Melissa throwing stones? And it was really bad in Atlanta because the artist in question is, well, in Atlanta. Tell the story of how it was written and let it go, that’s fine. Or just stop telling the story Melissa – like you have about Nebraska and Brian. Let the music speak for you. I love Brian. I love the “artist who stabbed you” and that’s just not going to change, ya know? The other new ones, like I said, they’re growing on me – unfortunately I’m not seeing enough live shows to have them grow on me really quickly. The cd is due out in the spring, and I’m looking forward to it but not dying for it…

The DVD, Decade, on the other hand I am REALLY looking forward to. I’m about to pre-order two copies and should probably order four. Everyone in the house will want one and of course we’ll lose one, break one or scratch one like we always do with these things. It’s been a long time coming and maybe that will inspire some groupie like feelings again? And if it doesn’t, that’s ok. I will always LOVE Melissa Ferrick and her music and she’s scheduled for Tampa in March – we’ll be there, probably.

(For those of you who may find your way in through searches for Melissa, here is a really BAD boot of Pumpkin Time – Natalia’s song with Melissa on Flugelhorn. Enjoy, sorry it’s not a better copy – it was an experiment with the iRiver.)

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Daily Dose of Vacation – Hairbrushes

Snead asked, so what is it that makes you love this particular brush and today seems like the day to answer her.

Why does today seem like the day? Since I’m sitting in a four star hotel that is NOT remotely like the two hotels I’ve stayed in with her while in Atlanta – it’s MUCH nicer. You’d think I’d be doing fun hotel stuff, right? Fun vacation stuff, right? Looking out of the window at the offices that have caused me so much work angst lately and considered ways to get even, right? Well, I am doing fun hotel stuff. I’m not worrying about cleaning up messes and we’ve watched several episodes of What Not to Wear and I suspect Clean Sweep and the like will also make appearances. We did fun vacation stuff last night and will be doing more of that this afternoon, tonight and tomorrow, so chill folks. I’m having vacation time, I really am. As for the looking out the window at those offices… and plotting… well I would, but I like my paycheck even when I’m frustrated so I feel incredibly lucky that the great view from this room looks out over Atlanta in the opposite direction and makes plotting harder. Maybe another time?

You’re still wondering why I’m blogging about my hairbrush while on vacation, aren’t you? Or had you forgotten that’s what I set out to do? I almost forgot myself so I can’t blame you if that’s what happened. The reason today is the day is because I am in Atlanta at a Four Start Hotel and I have NO HAIRBRUSH AT ALL! That’s right folks. Me. The woman who is incredibly anal about hairbrushes and always makes sure to travel with three, at a minimum, has NONE. NOT ONE.

I blame MICHELLE. She was sick and not improving and laid on mommy guilt so rather than pack in my incredibly efficient way, I just threw things in and left TW to throw things in, as I rushed all over town yesterday getting Michelle to the doctor, getting her medicine, getting her a Halloween costume etc…

I blame TW. After all of the trips I’ve packed for her, you’d think she could have managed to think about my hairbrush. We’ve already established that she understands the importance of this one item in my life. Instead, she printed a copy of the itinerary and directions and such – which was unnecessary since I had already printed a copy earlier in the day!

I blame WORK. If I hadn’t found myself immersed in a project that I thought I was removing myself from, I’d have had time to take my sick child to the doctor earlier in the week. I’d have had time to buy her a Halloween costume earlier in the week. I’d have had time to pack in the normal, and highly efficient way, I normally pack.

Obviously, I’m fixated on my brush right now and I’m thinking about how unpleasant it will be to go and buy another one just to get me through the weekend. I hate new brushes. I hate that the handle feels different and the bristles feel different. The weight is different. I’m a woman who really dislikes change and when I get use to something, I tend to stick with it.

It’s not that the pink Goodys brush is some high end, BMW of hairbrushes. It’s simply that I am use to the size and shape of the handle. The weight of it in my hand. The bristles. The brush. It’s familiar, I know what to expect when I use it. I don’t have to think about the best WAY to use the brush. I just know, because it’s the same brush I’ve used for years and years and years. Even when I open a new package and pull a fresh one out, I know what to expect. Same size. Same weight. Same brush.

Maybe I’ll get lucky and find MY brush at the Eckerd around the corner? (And why is it that all of the Eckerds in my town changed to CVS but here in Atlanta they still have Eckerd?)

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Daily Dose of Music – and Silence

For years I worked from home and insisted on doing so without music in the background. The TV was fine, it wasn’t a distraction. I even spent a couple of years looking forward to working with MTV’s The Tom Green Show and Loveline (I miss Dr Drew and Adam!) in the background. And then there was the .wav fixation, that lasted for all of about 3 minutes. But other than that, silence was my preferred work environment, (or as much silence as you can get with a house full of kids and animals).

That’s all changed and I blame Michelle. She came home from school one day in April of 2004 and never went back! Along with all of the craziness that comes from having a teenage daughter home all day and attempting to home school her and work at the same time, I somehow acquired a need for music while I work! I didn’t even notice it had happened until she went to NJ for the summer and the silence surrounded me!

Well wait, that’s not really true, I knew something was missing when she left but assumed it was just “her” and not the more specific lack of music. I realized it was the music that was missing when I landed on the Yahoo Launchcast Radio page after exploring Yahoo 360° for my boss.

Before I knew it, I’d programmed my own channel, (which I don’t really like because it won’t let me program down to some very specific artists), and then all of a sudden I was listening to the Melissa Ferrick Fan Station all day long while I worked. Ah ha, so this is what was missing! It wasn’t Michelle – it was Melissa and Ani and MUSIC!

And so, all was right with my work world – except for an overabundance of Indigo Girls and Bitch & Animal and a curious amount of Dar Williams (Who may be from the Boston area, (like Ferrick), and may be a folk singer, (like Ferrick), but is really not the same TYPE of musician as the majority of others on the Ferrick “fan station”. Yahoo has created some interesting play lists, that is for sure!).

But alas, something bad happened today – I ran out of “free” airplay and am now floundering around wondering what to do. Do I pay the ghastly $2.50 a week in order to hear too much Indigo Girls and Bitch & Animal? Do I muddle through with a station that I’m really not enjoying? Do I track down a radio station that might be better? Do I grab some CDs and try and find some routine of changing CDs so I don’t find myself listening to The Other Side or Massive Blur over and over again?

I have to do something! I can’t sit here in silence, Michelle will be back in a week or so and we’ll be back to music all day and then I’ll struggle to get use to that all over again.

Kids are trouble.

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