Blog Day For The Mothers Act
Have you heard about The Mothers Act? It’s legislation that would increase federal efforts to combat postpartum depression by:
• Requiring medical professionals to educate new mothers and their families about postpartum depression before they leave the hospital,
• Offering the opportunity for new mothers to be screened for postpartum depression symptoms during the first year of postnatal check-up visits,
• Providing social services to new mothers suffering from postpartum depression and their families,
• Increasing funding for research on postpartum conditions at the National Institutes of Health.
From the Postpartum Support International
Up to 800,000 women in the U.S. will develop a diagnosable perinatal mood disorder this year! (This does not include women whose babies are stillborn, who miscarry or suffer pregnancy termination). Yet only 15% of these women will receive any treatment.
Women like Dooce, Kat Stone, Erin Kotecki Vest and, Kari have blogged about their experience with PPD. Please join us today and share your own stories or encourage others to blog for awareness of PPD and in support of The Mothers Act.
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