Travel Log

Daily Dose of Daytona – Museums

Last weekend was another synchro weekend, this time in Daytona Beach.  Always a good time – Daytona Beach during spring break.  Woohooo.  Last year we didn’t arrive super early and just drove down to the beach and ate at Steve’s Famous Diner with the kids.  This year we arrived early and found ourselves without a plan.  We laughingly considered a shopping trip to Kohl’s but as we were pondering this TW spotted a museum sign.  I crossed a couple of lanes of traffic and we were on our way to the Daytona Beach Museum of Arts & Sciences.

I have to say it, the museum was a pleasant surprise.  It was bigger than I expected.  It covered a wide range of "topics".  The Coke display was obviously a hit for TW and I found it more interesting than most Coke displays.  The cars and trains were cool.  The teddy bears were frightening in a way that Egyptian mummies can never be.  And the mummies weren’t bad either, considering I have mummy issues stemming from my childhood.  (Remind me and I’ll tell you about that some day)  The museum also has a nice little nature trail, again a surprise, even though parts of the trail were closed while we were there.

If you’re in Daytona Beach and you don’t want to do the Nascar thing or the drunken beach  thing then give the museum a try, I think you’ll enjoy it.

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Daily Dose of Death – Bodies – Museums

I guess you know that we went to Tampa last weekend, right?  I didn’t forget to mention it?  Oh good.  It wasn’t all late nights in bars with a lot of dykes and cool stuff like that, it was educational too.  (Not that late nights in bars with a lot of dykes isn’t educational, because it definitely is.  Michelle always learns a lot about how NOT to behave, about why it’s NOT good to get falling down drunk and then there are all of the lessons you can learn by visiting bathrooms with drunk people – those are serious educational moments, important to every teenage girl’s growth and development)  Where was I?  Oh yea, educational.  Right.  OK fine, I cannot tell a lie.  The trip wasn’t about education at all.  It was pure selfishness on my part.  Any lessons learned or knowledge absorbed was purely accidental. 

The trip to MOSI was for me.  Not for Michelle.  Surely not for TW, she’s been there before.  Seeing the Bodies exhibit was for me.  Because I want to be plastinated or plasticized or whatever the process is called when I die.  I do.  I’m not kidding.  I never joke about death.  OK fine, I do joke about death but in this case I’m not joking.

We read Stiff last year and it was then that I decided that this was what I wanted to do, or have done, after I die.  No cremation, I want to donate my body to a plastination exhibit.  There’s a problem though, according to the Stiff book, when you donate your body you don’t always get to decide how it’s actually used.  So I have to figure out how to make sure that I’m not donated to a forensic school and left out in a field somewhere.  (the little kids found this idea fascinating over the summer – because I made the mistake of telling them about dead bodies and flatulence and stuff but it’s not my idea of a good time so no – that is not what I want to happen to my body when I’m dead)

OK so now that you know WHY we went to MOSI to see Bodies, I’ll tell you about the actual exhibit. 

It was cool.  Smaller than I expected but cool.  As I expected, by the second room Michelle was feeling "ill".  Hypochondria is alive and well.  Though I suspect there are a lot of people who begin to feel ill or at least feel their "bodies" a little bit more while at that exhibit.  She really didn’t like the blood room aka the circulatory system room.  I, however, thought that was pretty cool.  I have a thing for blood though. 

Here are some things that bugged me about the exhibit.  First, lack of female bodies.  Do women not donate their bodies to this?  Is it not done, for some reason?  The bodies were overwhelmingly male.  Next issue, almost all of the bodies had black lungs.  Does this mean that the only reason people die is because they have lung cancer and/or are smokers?  By the 5th black lunged body I was feeling like I was in some stop smoking organization’s propaganda website.  Weird.

And somehow Michelle and I missed the plasticized fetus room, I blame a weird woman who decided to tell everyone that her urethra is smaller than the normal urethra – at first I thought she was talking about her clitoris but no, it was her urethra and I got distracted.  I should have gone back inside to see it but by the time TW informed me that I’d missed it, we were upstairs and pining away for the bicycle high wire thing and it felt like too much work to go back down and explain my predicament to the weird guy (who reminded me of Kirk on GG) so I could go back in.   Oh well, another time maybe.

Now about the woman with the smaller than normal urethra – what is it about that exhibit that made people feel like they needed to share their health history with everyone in the room?  Or the health history of their great aunt ____ who had ____ and this is what it must have looked like? 

What was also a little scarey were people who don’t have any idea about anatomy or how things work.  People in awe that the stomach was that small or the intestines that large.  Or the fallopian tubes, 50 year old men and women should both know what the fallopian tubes do.  You people scare me! 

The best best best question I heard while in the exhibit was from a child, probably around 7 or 8.  "Mama, why aren’t there any children?"  The look on mom’s face as she tried to come up with an answer was good.  I wish I knew what she said.  I hope she gave her a good answer.  Not an "I don’t know" or "They don’t do that to kids" or "Kids don’t die" sort of answer.  A real answer.  The kid deserved it.

Oh and to the woman in the wheelchair who pushed her way through the folks enjoying various displays, your disability does not give you the right to be rude.  Nobody barred your way, nobody pushed past you to get to the exhibit first – they were there before you and when they moved to the next one it would have been YOUR turn.  Quit it.  That behavior is unnecessary and not appreciated.

Cool exhibit.  Knowledge was gained, totally on accident of course.  And now Michelle has a real idea about what will happen to dear old mom when she’s dead.

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Daily Dose of Travel – Atlanta

We’ll be heading to Atlanta soon.  We being me, TW and Michelle.  This weekend will be part of Michelle’s 16th birthday celebration – woohoo!  (Did I sound properly enthusiastic?  Let me try again WOOHOOOO!)

We’re staying at the Beautiful Mid-Town Wyndham.  We’re going shopping at the Junkman’s Daughter (or whatever it’s called) in L5P.  We’re going to hit the bookstore, Charis, that I recently blogged about.  I think we’ll take Michelle to Mary Mac’s ’cause everyone needs to go to a southern tea room, once.  Besides there are tons of vegetarian choices!  The most important part of this trip though is…


Michelle is getting a grown up bedroom for her birthday so we’re hitting IKEA in order to do that.  This will be her virgin IKEA visit and only the second visit for me and TW.  Someone remind me to bring the camera!  We’re excited!  WOOHOOOO!

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Daily Dose of Travel – Underwear and Socks

I’ve been saving this What we’re taking list of Lee and Sachi’s for days now.  It’s interesting to think about what to pack on a year long trip around the world.  And it’s even more interesting to peek at someone else’s list.  Go ahead, give it a click.  It’s sort of fascinating, isn’t it?

I’m a light packer and I like that they’ve gone pretty light (except for all of the technology and medication – I’d go half on all of that).  I keep going back to the underwear (especially since they’ve vowed never to wear dirty underwear for more than 5 days) and the socks.  Especially the socks.  There is nothing worse than wet socks except of course dirty, wet socks.  I think they need to ditch all of that deodorant and each take at least one more pair of socks.

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Daily Dose of Vacation – Hairbrushes

Snead asked, so what is it that makes you love this particular brush and today seems like the day to answer her.

Why does today seem like the day? Since I’m sitting in a four star hotel that is NOT remotely like the two hotels I’ve stayed in with her while in Atlanta – it’s MUCH nicer. You’d think I’d be doing fun hotel stuff, right? Fun vacation stuff, right? Looking out of the window at the offices that have caused me so much work angst lately and considered ways to get even, right? Well, I am doing fun hotel stuff. I’m not worrying about cleaning up messes and we’ve watched several episodes of What Not to Wear and I suspect Clean Sweep and the like will also make appearances. We did fun vacation stuff last night and will be doing more of that this afternoon, tonight and tomorrow, so chill folks. I’m having vacation time, I really am. As for the looking out the window at those offices… and plotting… well I would, but I like my paycheck even when I’m frustrated so I feel incredibly lucky that the great view from this room looks out over Atlanta in the opposite direction and makes plotting harder. Maybe another time?

You’re still wondering why I’m blogging about my hairbrush while on vacation, aren’t you? Or had you forgotten that’s what I set out to do? I almost forgot myself so I can’t blame you if that’s what happened. The reason today is the day is because I am in Atlanta at a Four Start Hotel and I have NO HAIRBRUSH AT ALL! That’s right folks. Me. The woman who is incredibly anal about hairbrushes and always makes sure to travel with three, at a minimum, has NONE. NOT ONE.

I blame MICHELLE. She was sick and not improving and laid on mommy guilt so rather than pack in my incredibly efficient way, I just threw things in and left TW to throw things in, as I rushed all over town yesterday getting Michelle to the doctor, getting her medicine, getting her a Halloween costume etc…

I blame TW. After all of the trips I’ve packed for her, you’d think she could have managed to think about my hairbrush. We’ve already established that she understands the importance of this one item in my life. Instead, she printed a copy of the itinerary and directions and such – which was unnecessary since I had already printed a copy earlier in the day!

I blame WORK. If I hadn’t found myself immersed in a project that I thought I was removing myself from, I’d have had time to take my sick child to the doctor earlier in the week. I’d have had time to buy her a Halloween costume earlier in the week. I’d have had time to pack in the normal, and highly efficient way, I normally pack.

Obviously, I’m fixated on my brush right now and I’m thinking about how unpleasant it will be to go and buy another one just to get me through the weekend. I hate new brushes. I hate that the handle feels different and the bristles feel different. The weight is different. I’m a woman who really dislikes change and when I get use to something, I tend to stick with it.

It’s not that the pink Goodys brush is some high end, BMW of hairbrushes. It’s simply that I am use to the size and shape of the handle. The weight of it in my hand. The bristles. The brush. It’s familiar, I know what to expect when I use it. I don’t have to think about the best WAY to use the brush. I just know, because it’s the same brush I’ve used for years and years and years. Even when I open a new package and pull a fresh one out, I know what to expect. Same size. Same weight. Same brush.

Maybe I’ll get lucky and find MY brush at the Eckerd around the corner? (And why is it that all of the Eckerds in my town changed to CVS but here in Atlanta they still have Eckerd?)

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Daily Dose of Family – Daughters

jenn.jpgTW, Michelle and I drove UP to Charleston for the weekend to see Jenn (and Ronnie too, I guess) and her new house (well I guess it is his too but he’s not the important one there). I was reminded of three things during this trip, three things I hope I will not ever forget:

1) I will not EVER book a room at the Red Roof Inn, on Northwoods BLVD, for any reason. NEVER. AGAIN. We stayed there for one night last month and hated it but apparently the learning curve is steep and it took a second trip to really make it sink in for me.

2) I’m getting too darn old for this 12 hours of driving over a 2 1/2 day period. It’s hard to believe it wasn’t more than a couple of years ago that we were driving all over the south following Melissa. This weekend trip is making me rethink the whole Melissa in Atlanta thing at the end of the month, even if TW is healthy enough to go. I AM OLD and TIRED!

michelle_puzzle.jpgAs much as my daughters adore each other, and they definitely do, they do not do well together when I am around. It’s not horrible but there’s some weird undercurrent thing that bugs me to death. I don’t remember it being there all those years ago when were all a big “happy family”. It happened after Michelle and I (and Chris) moved out and left Jenn (who was all grown up and going to college) with her dad (and boyfriend who is now her husband). Michelle was always jealous and wanted me to herself but she’s 15 1/2 and this is getting really weird. Maybe it’s time to reconsider that therapy thing again??? Maybe we could do some double sessions so that when we are all together for Thanksgiving it doesn’t feel crummy?


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Daily Dose of Health – Vacations

They say vacations are good and we should all take them whenever possible, but we don’t. I personally hate vacations but love days off. Vacations make me think of tired kids, struggling to find a restaurant where everyone can find something to eat (but not too much to eat ala the Shoney’s buffet on our last “vacation”) and the dread of returning to all of the work that will be waiting when we return. I am one of these driven personalities and that’s fine by me.

Leisure sickness, ha there are worse kinds of sicknesses so I’ll happily take this one as long as I don’t take some yukky tasting banana flavored penicillin or prednisone for it. I’ll avoid vacations as often as possible and when I can’t avoid them any longer I’ll make sure to take plenty of advil and cough drops (and all of these things too) and survive to work another day.

At least I don’t worry about how to survive a plane crash and stuff like that. I leave those sorts of worries to TW, she’s good at them.

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Daily Dose of Kids – Questions

After dinner at the Cuban Cafe around the corner we walked to the other end of the strip mall and popped into the independent bookstore that TW is always begging to go in. (I don’t generally agree because we spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars that we do not have on books! We just got out of debt and I’m not ready for a $500 book spree yet. Ask me again in a few months).

While in Goerings, TW gathered books for me to peek at and put on our library reserve list (I love my library) and had The Kids’ Book of Questions in her hand. The library definitely wouldn’t have that and you can never have too many question books on the shelf if you work in community and live with the woman who built The Question Library, so I bought it. After that, ice cream. (Ugh, the chocolate dipped key lime pie was not a good idea for me.)

While enjoying the ice cream and driving the kids back to the “blue house” TW asked the kids questions. Of course, the over-used and much-hated (by me) question “If you had a time machine and could travel either back or forward in time, which would you choose?” came up. I groan everytime someone asks that question on a message board. I’d rather have someone ask me if my boyfriend will kiss my stretch marks than hear that question. (I don’t have a boyfriend but if I did, he’d better or he wouldn’t be my boyfriend.)

J of course said he would travel back and take over the world so that when he returned from his visit he would still be the ruler of the world. Typical. Boring. I hate that dumb question.

E would go back in time and see how the dinosaurs really became extinct. (What is it about her and dinosaurs lately, weird and I forgot to show her the cute 3 kid circus dinosaur vblog entry today, darn it) Again pretty boring and typical and I really hate that dumb question.

Then, there’s RJ. She’s 9 and I love her. And she finally gave an answer I adore. It’s even better than Blaze, Debra Ginsberg’s son (Raising Blaze) who wanted to travel through time to the Ace Hardware Store, just because that’s where he wanted to go.

RJ said – she wanted to go back to when the earth was created and find out once and for all whether it was a big bang, evolution or creation or WHAT. Ha, nice new answer. One I’ve never heard. One that’s worth going back in time to discover the answer to.

Gosh I love that question now.

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