Family Funk

Daily Dose of Death – Bodies – Museums

I guess you know that we went to Tampa last weekend, right?  I didn’t forget to mention it?  Oh good.  It wasn’t all late nights in bars with a lot of dykes and cool stuff like that, it was educational too.  (Not that late nights in bars with a lot of dykes isn’t educational, because it definitely is.  Michelle always learns a lot about how NOT to behave, about why it’s NOT good to get falling down drunk and then there are all of the lessons you can learn by visiting bathrooms with drunk people – those are serious educational moments, important to every teenage girl’s growth and development)  Where was I?  Oh yea, educational.  Right.  OK fine, I cannot tell a lie.  The trip wasn’t about education at all.  It was pure selfishness on my part.  Any lessons learned or knowledge absorbed was purely accidental. 

The trip to MOSI was for me.  Not for Michelle.  Surely not for TW, she’s been there before.  Seeing the Bodies exhibit was for me.  Because I want to be plastinated or plasticized or whatever the process is called when I die.  I do.  I’m not kidding.  I never joke about death.  OK fine, I do joke about death but in this case I’m not joking.

We read Stiff last year and it was then that I decided that this was what I wanted to do, or have done, after I die.  No cremation, I want to donate my body to a plastination exhibit.  There’s a problem though, according to the Stiff book, when you donate your body you don’t always get to decide how it’s actually used.  So I have to figure out how to make sure that I’m not donated to a forensic school and left out in a field somewhere.  (the little kids found this idea fascinating over the summer – because I made the mistake of telling them about dead bodies and flatulence and stuff but it’s not my idea of a good time so no – that is not what I want to happen to my body when I’m dead)

OK so now that you know WHY we went to MOSI to see Bodies, I’ll tell you about the actual exhibit. 

It was cool.  Smaller than I expected but cool.  As I expected, by the second room Michelle was feeling "ill".  Hypochondria is alive and well.  Though I suspect there are a lot of people who begin to feel ill or at least feel their "bodies" a little bit more while at that exhibit.  She really didn’t like the blood room aka the circulatory system room.  I, however, thought that was pretty cool.  I have a thing for blood though. 

Here are some things that bugged me about the exhibit.  First, lack of female bodies.  Do women not donate their bodies to this?  Is it not done, for some reason?  The bodies were overwhelmingly male.  Next issue, almost all of the bodies had black lungs.  Does this mean that the only reason people die is because they have lung cancer and/or are smokers?  By the 5th black lunged body I was feeling like I was in some stop smoking organization’s propaganda website.  Weird.

And somehow Michelle and I missed the plasticized fetus room, I blame a weird woman who decided to tell everyone that her urethra is smaller than the normal urethra – at first I thought she was talking about her clitoris but no, it was her urethra and I got distracted.  I should have gone back inside to see it but by the time TW informed me that I’d missed it, we were upstairs and pining away for the bicycle high wire thing and it felt like too much work to go back down and explain my predicament to the weird guy (who reminded me of Kirk on GG) so I could go back in.   Oh well, another time maybe.

Now about the woman with the smaller than normal urethra – what is it about that exhibit that made people feel like they needed to share their health history with everyone in the room?  Or the health history of their great aunt ____ who had ____ and this is what it must have looked like? 

What was also a little scarey were people who don’t have any idea about anatomy or how things work.  People in awe that the stomach was that small or the intestines that large.  Or the fallopian tubes, 50 year old men and women should both know what the fallopian tubes do.  You people scare me! 

The best best best question I heard while in the exhibit was from a child, probably around 7 or 8.  "Mama, why aren’t there any children?"  The look on mom’s face as she tried to come up with an answer was good.  I wish I knew what she said.  I hope she gave her a good answer.  Not an "I don’t know" or "They don’t do that to kids" or "Kids don’t die" sort of answer.  A real answer.  The kid deserved it.

Oh and to the woman in the wheelchair who pushed her way through the folks enjoying various displays, your disability does not give you the right to be rude.  Nobody barred your way, nobody pushed past you to get to the exhibit first – they were there before you and when they moved to the next one it would have been YOUR turn.  Quit it.  That behavior is unnecessary and not appreciated.

Cool exhibit.  Knowledge was gained, totally on accident of course.  And now Michelle has a real idea about what will happen to dear old mom when she’s dead.

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Daily Dose of Holidays – Pig Day

Happy Pig Day!

That’s right – Pig Day.  I haven’t thrown a decent Pig Party in YEARS which is a shame because my Pig Parties use to be legendary.  Pig recipes, pig poetry, pig movies and TV and books, pig games and pig drawings.   

Click the Pig to draw yours!

Wanna celebrate Pig Day?  Post a comment about your favorite pig, your favorite pork recipe or your favorite pig poetry if you like.  Or better yet, post your own Pig Day blog entry (just let me know if you do, so I can come and visit).  **Edited to add a link to my friends in Indiana celebrating Pig Day with a photo of 4H kids and pig showing and Michelle talks about Boris**

Oh and one other thing – now when I think about pigs, I think about my blog friend Fat Blogger because he had a cute little piggy image on his blog.  He went fishing and is due back any time now – so stop by and welcome him home.

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Daily Dose of Art – Supa!

TW and I met Supafine in the Blogher chatroom last summer.  None of us were able to attend.  All of us were grouchy about it.  This year, we are all attending!  Yea us!  The reason I’m talking about this right now is because Supafine is supa! and fine!  She sent TW a present! 

Supa had a little fun gamey contest awhile back and the winners got art!  Photos taken by the talented mommy of Owen, Ms Supa fine!  I entered because TW needed art from Supa — art from Baltimore (I’m sure it was the cheese that won it for us).  Art arrived yesterday.  TW is happy and she rambled about Baltimore because that’s what TW does.  She started to ramble about Supa’s niceness and poof she was off.

So anyway, Supa is cool.  Owen is adorable and I’m hoping the next time she has a contest she’ll give him away.  (Cheese is the always the winning answer with Supafine contests, I’m a shooo in to win!)  Go look at her photos of Owen.  (The videos of Owen are even cuter than the photos) Go read her blog.  You could click her donation button too – Blogher trips aren’t cheap, folks.  Really – go visit her and tell her how terrific she is.  (she has this great idea for a Baby Einstein Drinking Game – anyone want to fund that project? It’s a winner! Great investment opportunity…)

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Daily Dose of Candy – Limited Edition

TW bought me candy on Saturday. This would not be notable if the candy was circus peanuts or caramel cremes or smarties (not the weird Canadian kind) or even jelly bellies. It was notable because this was a candy bar. I don’t really do candy bars. She was excited to tell me this. Excited to say “I bought you a LIMITED EDITION candy bar!” Now that is weird. Usually we buy those weird Limited Edition candy bars for HER, not for me. But this, she said, was definitely not a Limited Edition candy bar that she would ever try. Hmmm.

kitkatorg_1203_1.jpgOn Sunday as I was packing up some stuff for our trip to St Augustine, I got a peek at this special Limited Edition candy bar. Ha! Limited Edition Orange Creme Kit Kat Definitely not something she would eat, EVER. She hates push-up ice cream. She hates orange dreamcicles. I sort of like both, in the way that I sort of like some foods – which is not much but sort of.

Tonight at dinner I mentioned this Limited Edition candy bar to the small kids and they were all interested. When we got home, I pulled out the package and broke off a strip for each child (nice of Hershey’s to give us four strips per Kit Kat, isn’t it?!).

E said “Hey! It’s Orange” oh yes indeedy it was VERY orange. I wasn’t expecting that. I was expecting a normal looking Kit Kat on the outside with orange inside. Weird.

It felt weird in my hand too, not like chocolate but like some weird umm orange coating. Or some fake white chocolate coating maybe.

We all took bites. E really liked it. She was very excited about it. She would definitely buy this again and again and again. Prince J said it was ok but not great, but when I handed him the other half of my strip, he immediately popped it into his mouth. I asked why he was eating more if it was just ok. He laughed and said he just felt like eating it but not because it was great. RJ said it was good and she would occasionally buy it but it was not going to become one of her favorite candy bars because there are so many different kinds of candy bars to choose from and so many that are way better than that one. But once in awhile it would be a nice choice.

E insisted again that this was GOOD and she’d love to have more. She did balk at that when I described at as tasting like a push up ice cream with cornflakes inside. (Which is what it tasted like to me)

If you want to try a pretty good Limited Edition Kit Kat, try the mint instead.

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Daily Dose of Kids – Ha!

Here are some things our kids and friends of our kids have said this week:

– 45 minutes is not enough time to write a novel.

– Stay out of it Charles!

– Mom, can I have some money?

– Mommy is culturally illiterate too!

– Does this stay in black and white?

– Those asteroids look like balls of tin foil.

– Denise, you’re so funny!

– Mom, that’s so not funny!

– Denise, you’re the funniest person in the whole world!

– Ummm, that was a joke, right?

– Charles, I’m prettier than you are.

– What’s falafel?  What’s tabouleh?

– Why do you order cherry coke if you don’t like cherry tasting food?

– We like it when Michelle cooks, it’s like she’s our slave!

– I saw Michelle, she had devil horns!  Yea I saw her hair but she had devil horns!

– I want to spend my 16th birthday with my rat, not with my friends and family.

– Yes I did my homework! 

– Yes I have all of my books and my papers and my flute. 

– I don’t have a lunchbox, silly Denise.

– I want 20 apples in my lunch bag!

– I want 20 cupcakes in my luch bag!

– Yea, mommy must be expecting a hurricane with all of that bottled water in the refrigerator.

– Yes, I brought down all of my tea mugs. 

– You didn’t tell me to bring down the used tea bags.

– We hung up about 200 wire coat hangers to decorate for my party.

– Why is Chris always late?

– Music With a Twist?  Sony? Where do we sign??

– We’re not going to church because of my hair, right?

– My shoes are too big and it’s hard to walk but they’re pretty!

– Denise, can you get me all of the books in this series?

– I finished Night, did you?

– We could make three dogs with all of that dog hair.

– Maybe you could just carry Chanel around like a baby or push her in a stroller.

– Yes I can run people over with the bike! Die! Take That! Hahahahaha! See, fun huh?!

– I love potato bread, why don’t you ever buy potato bread?

– Art history and world religions, can I take another one now even though I’ve almost finished my 10th grade requirements?

– Women spend less money at Valentine’s Day because they are shy and afraid if they buy a guy a big gift he won’t like her.

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Daily Dose of Dogs – Age

chanel.jpgChanel (and Big Jake) came to us by accident. We’d had a black lab for several years but a kid crisis and an open gate left us dogless at just the moment when a tragedy struck another family.

A friend of my son’s commited suicide. Chanel and Big Jake belonged to them. I discovered when I went to work at the kennel, where Chanel and Big Jake often stayed, after a mini vacation that the family was going to take them to the animal shelter for adoption because they were moving away and could not take the dogs.

I could not imagine those two dogs being separated from their family and from each other. We were dogless. The dogs knew me and I rather liked them both. I volunteered to take them. This all happened 5 1/2 years ago and Chanel, mom to Big Jake, is now almost 14 years old.

I rant often about these dogs. Taking them was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. Jake is mean, mean, mean to anyone who does not belong in his home or his yard. He loves his family and anyone he decides is ok to add to his family. Everyone else, watch out! Chanel is, well, not the smartest cookie in the world and now, almost overnight, she’s aged and what was cute in a dumb blonde dog sort of way is becoming just plain sad.

She doesn’t hear well. She doesn’t see well. She is easily confused. She has forgotten all bathroom habits. She simply goes whenever and wherever (and it’s rarely outside). And if all of that wasn’t enough, there’s now the mobility factor.

The couch has always been her domain. She was raised to be the princess in her first family, a lapdog through and through. I never could train that out of her so I gave up. Now she has trouble getting onto the couch and trouble getting down. It hurts her and it hurts us to watch. She wandered upstairs yesterday afternoon. I have no idea what she was looking for but about halfway up she changed her mind and promptly tumbled down the stairs. I was afraid to get up and check on her. In fact, as I was dreading opening the bedroom door I heard her get up and walk away and only then was I able to move and really check on her.

On Monday morning, the normal jockeying for position outside of the bedroom door that is done every single day by all 4 cats and the dogs happened without her. She slept through it all. I had to actually wake her up in order to take her outside to not use the bathroom and eat. Helping her off of the couch, watching as she attempted to make her legs work, seeing her confusion about which direction to walk to in order to get outside – I almost cried.

This dog who has made so many things about my life more difficult than I’d like… this dog who I’m constantly cleaning up after… this dog who I often wish I did not have is old. It happened overnight, or so it seems. She was fine just a few months ago. Running around the yard chasing the kids, traipsing in and out of the girls’ bedrooms looking for someone to pet her, chasing the cats off of her preferred spot on the couch. Really she was fine. Now, she isn’t. I’m incredibly sad.

I didn’t think I’d feel this way. I’ve lost more dogs to age and military moves overseas than I can even count. My mom ran over a dog from my childhood in our doggone driveway. Another childhood dog squeezed out of the backyard fence and found a new home before we figured out where she was and my parents let the new family keep her. I’ve seen my share of dogs and seen them all go – but this one, this one is pretty near breaking my heart.

It’s time to let her go. I don’t want to, but it is time.

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Daily Dose of Michelle – 16

If you read TW’s Wee Hours or you listen to me talk on message boards or you’re a lurkingfamily member (ummm you’d better not be a lurking family member) then you know that yesterday was Michelle’s 16th birthday. If you’re someone other than the aforementioned – well guess what, it was Michelle’s 16th birthday! (and go read TW’s marshmallowy about Michelle post, I don’t do marshmallow!)

We’d done the bulk of the celebrating with Michelle during our trip to Atlanta so yesterday was a little more low-key than she would have liked. She was hoping for a tattoo but I boycotted that ’til we can both agree on the design for said tattoo. She’s described some weird cat eye thing that at first sounded ok but later began to sound like it would look as though she had nipples on her abdomen. So no, no tattoo yesterday.

sweetsixteen_001.jpgI took her to TW’s hair salon for a cut and that was a huge hit. It turned a somewhat low day for all of us into something else entirely. Excitement for her and ummm weird marshmallowy the girl is grown up for us. Dinner at her favorite restaurant with both moms, her brother and the 1/2 child was also a hit for her, not for me or TW – see non-marshmallowy mushrooms post.

sweetsixteen006.jpgFroggy ice cream cake was also a hit, though none of us could have more than a bite (which pleased the cats who nibbled on remnants in the sink all evening). There’s nothing like a little kid frog cake for a 16 year old who is trying to do away with her childhood frog collecting but having difficulty doing so!

A migraine ended the night badly for me and an evening out with her friends ended it well for her. All in all, a happily celebrated sweet 16. We all survived. No blood was shed. No excessive tearyness. Life is good with a 16 year old. Even if it means I am older than dirt and I mean really older than dirt.

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