
Ducks Are For Carrying?

I forgot to check the front patio for packages yesterday so I wasn’t surprised to find a couple of package sized envelopes sitting on the patio this morning. However, I was surprised to see that one of those envelopes was for Skeeter, from Duncan.

You remember Duncan, right? She’s my mom’s dog? The one I dog-sat last year? The one who doesn’t bark? Right — that Duncan.

You might also remember that my mother left me a very, very long printed list of instructions for taking care of Duncan, Miss Priss, the fish, the plants, and the house. Most of the instructions were related to Duncan and one of the line items was something like…

“After you come home, she’ll grab her duck and carry it around the house for awhile.”

And it’s true. Duncan did that.

What’s also interesting is that Skeeter does this too. Or something very similar.

If we leave her at home, she will grab a stuffed toy of some sort and carry it around the house for awhile after we get home.

It’s cute. Even if Skeeter’s babies are a lot more dead than Duncan’s duck.

Anyway, back to the package for Skeeter.

I decided to hand her the envelope to see what she’d do with it.

Duh. How dumb was that? She started chewing it. And eating the paper.

So I took the big envelope away and found a Christmas gift bag inside (which caused me to kind of roll my eyes) so I handed the gift bag to Skeeter to see what she’d do. (Right, that’s me, still being dumb.)

She started eating the gift bag. She did not particularly care what was in the gift bag, she was happy to eat the little rope handle and the tape and the tag and just the whole bag really.

I decided I’d better put a stop to that paper eating thing, so I nudged the bag and the real present fell out.

A duck! Like Duncan’s!

Skeeter loved it. For the three minutes it too, her to rip a hole in it and strip the squeaker.

And pull out all of the stuffing and bury it in the yard (briefly) so Koto couldn’t play with it.

Seriously. Three minutes.

She still loves the Duncan duck but not as much as she loved it while she was destroying it.

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Puppy Mania or Just Mania

This is not the post I planned to write today but since this month’s Nablo theme is “Work” it makes sense that I’m not writing it because of work related issues. And also because my tomorrow is shot to hell and it’s still today, so I will be working a 16 hour day today, after all.

And that’s what my life is like. In a nutshell. This also goes a long way to explain why I never blog here any more.

See, I had to write a blog post for Rita, due this weekend and I’d been putting it off for ages because I didn’t really know what to say. I finally figured it out and I wrote it and there went an hour of blogging time. When was the last time I spent an hour for a post on this blog? Forever, that’s how long it’s been.

Then, I needed to test a tech problem at work so I wrote another post, you can see it here (and you should, if you have a puppy.) Puppy Toy Holiday Gift Guide: Skeeter Bess Approve.

Which led to MomofAli (Mom of Ali, dammit) showing me a photo of HER singing rat. Except hers never made noise because she found it, dead, at a playground. Heh. She thought it was a child’s toy and had no idea it was really a dog’s toy.

Which led me to do a wee video of Skeeter with her rat, so everyone could hear just what it sounded like, (that video is in the BlogHer post I linked above, so really, you should click that link whether you have a puppy or not. It’s worth it.) Except Skeeter wasn’t in the mood to play. She was too bloody busy cuddling with my woman — ON MY PILLOW.


Now back to work I go but at least I didn’t fail at December’s Nablo on day 3.

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He’s Looking at HER

You know how I said TW’s mother likes her dog? Well she does but… on Monday, just as I was writing about how the rest of us dislike her dog, partly because he looks at us… this is what I heard coming from the living room:

TW’s mother: What? What do you want?


TW’s mother: I don’t know what you want!

Silence (except for my stifled giggles)

TW’s mother: I think the dog needs to go out!!!!!!

Me: He just came in, he doesn’t need to go out.



TW’s mother: (frantically) What do you want??????????

Me, to TW: Apparently she doesn’t like it when he looks at her either.

TW’s mother: WHAT DO YOU WANT?


TW’s mother shuffles into the office, on the way to her bedroom, a few minutes later…

TW’s mother: I don’t know what he wants. He just kept looking at me.

TW: Welcome to the club.

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.

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Shit Freezes

A few nights ago, Jake wanted to go outside so I hooked him to his chain and nudged him out the door. I sat on the hope chest in the bedroom with my book while he “went”. Time passes. I look up from my book, wondering why he hasn’t been scratching at the door or hasn’t nudged it open to come back inside.

He’s sitting on the ground with his left paw on the bottom step, just looking at me through the door.

I patted my leg, indicating he should come up the step and push the door open. He didn’t move.

I called him, which is idiotic since he’s deaf. He’s also almost blind so I doubt he could read my lips. But whatever. He just sat there.

I stood up, yes I was cursing. I opened the door. He stood up but did not make a move to come in. I admit it, I yelled at him to come in. He tensed like he was going to and then he sat back down. On the ground.

WTF? Is he stuck? What could he be stuck on?

I look behind him and sure enough, he’s stuck alright. Not wrapped around a pole or the slide, which is common behavior when it’s not freaking freezing. Instead, his chain is stuck behind…

a frozen piece of dog poop.

I put a foot on the first step and tug at his chain. It doesn’t budge.

I curse again and put a second foot on the very cold, frozen, slippery, disgusting step and yank that freaking chain as hard as I can.

The frozen poop flies off the ground, hits the dog in the ass and the dog bolts into the house.

He stops. He sits. He looks up at me, completely defeated.


I know how he feels.

Shit freezes here.

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Chanel Belle

Chanel's last Christmas I tagged this picture as “Chanel’s last Christmas” but it wasn’t. She held on for another 15 months or so. She had some pretty rough days and we probably should have let her go a lot sooner than we did. But man, it was tough to take her to the vet today and say goodbye. A lot tougher than I thought it would be.

And as tough as it was to say goodbye, it’s been just as tough going about our day without her. Who knew a tiny little old smelly mostly incontinent cocker who spent 23 hours of the day on a blanket could leave such a hole when she was gone. But she has.

When we take Jake outside, we instinctively look toward the dining room to see if she’s going to consider getting up and following us outside.

We keep leaving the garage door open, because that’s what we did when she was here – because it could take her ages to make her way from the dining room to the backdoor, even when she didn’t forget what she was doing and stop in the middle of the kitchen to figure it out.

When we’re outside with Jake, and it’s time to go in, we look for her to see how long we will have to stand there with the door open so she can make her way inside.

There are two bowls full of dog food in the kitchen. She didn’t get up off of her bed today until we forced her out at 9am and then she laid back down until we carried her to the car at 9:30. Jake hasn’t touched either bowl, and who knows whether that’s his old age or his confusion over not having Chanel around. Hard to say.

It’s weird to work all day and not have that geriatric mostly incontinent dog smell under your feet as she wanders from underneath TW’s desk to underneath mine and then back to her bed in the dining room.

TW had trouble cooking tonight without her. She’s used to having to do a weird dog dance to avoid stepping on the mostly deaf, mostly blind dog who wasn’t able to avoid getting stepped on. TW doing the dog dance without the dog… just wrong.

If Chanel’s first family (the family who lost a child while living at McGuire AFB NJ in 2000) happens to do a google search for Chanel or Big Jake… we did take good care of her, and we miss her.

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