Family Funk

Daily Dose of Pet Peeves – Moonstruck Chocolate

I have this little pet peeve and I was reminded of it again when I ordered a present for my mom (at the last minute) for Mother’s Day.  My pet peeve is webpage title lines that do not apply to the webpage you’re actually reading.  (The title line is the very top most part of your browser, probably a blue bar, next to the icon of the type of browser you are using.  If you’re on my blog, that title line says Daily Dose of Denise – if you’re in a specific post, it says Daily Dose of Denise: Daily Dose of ______) 

A lot of websites use a generic title line, it stays static through the site, regardless of what page you’re on.  That’s ok with me, as long as it isn’t in some way misleading.  For instance, I don’t mind if every page I’m on at Amazon just says  I don’t mind if I’m at WebMD  and all of the pages just say WebMD.  (Neither of these sites have a static title line, I’m just saying – I don’t mind when sites do this.)

I do, however, mind a static title line if it is misleading to me because it is not representative of the page I am on.  Let’s pretend I’ve been watching a lot of TV and I’m really falling in love with the Toyota Yaris (I’m not watching a lot of tv nor in love with this car, I do like the commercials though).   I am bored at work and decide to go and look at them on the Toyota webpage.  Imagine I click the Toyota Yaris icon and the title line changes to – Hybrid Vehicle.  Ummm the Yaris is not a Hybrid but I, knowing not much about cars might assume that it is.  I might base my buying decision on this, get to the dealer and find out that it is not a Hybrid after all.   Bummer and it would really annoy me – maybe so much that I decided not to buy that Yaris after all.  Maybe so much that I wouldn’t buy any car from them at all.  (Luckily, Toyota does not have this type of misleading web design so my Prius lust is safe.)

Moonstruck Chocolate, on the other hand does, sort of. 

TW was surfing some very pretty chocolates, just a few days before Mother’s Day.  I asked her where she was surfing and quickly made my way to Moonstruck Chocolates.  See that pretty pink chocolate handbag?  See the browser title line?  It says "Moonstruck Fine Chocolate Truffle Gourmet Gifts".  That’s cool!  I like that.  I’ll click in and see what they have!  So I click the pretty pink purse.  (Pink purses are not my mom’s thing,  maybe they have something else….)  I’m on the Chocolate Couture page and the title line now says "Unique Chocolate Gifts, gourmet chocolate gifts".  Excellent.  I scroll down and I see these adorable flower pots.  Yes! Totally my mom’s thing.  I click and look up there at the title line, it now reads "Gourmet Chocolate Truffle, Unique Dark Chocolate Gift"!  OMG excellent my mom loves dark chocolate!  I click and I order and I’m done. 

Two days later, my mom calls me to exclaim about how gorgeous these things are!  She wants to know all about them but isn’t ready to eat them yet because she wants to share them with Ken.  I tell her I thought she’d like them and they’re dark chocolate! So enjoy! 

She calls me back on Sunday to thank me – they’re awesome but ummm they aren’t dark chocolate.  What? Huh?  I go to the webpage and I still see the subject line.  It says dark chocolate! Did I screw up and miss the place where I had to indicate the type?  No.  Alas.  The description on the product clearly says milk chocolate.  Sigh.  I was in a hurry.  I read the title line because it appeared before the images.  I saw the pretty picture and I ordered.  My fault.  But still.  The title line lured me in.  If it hadn’t said dark chocolate, I’d have read the real description and I’d have kept clicking on the site til I found dark chocolate.

I wrote to Moonstruck.  I thanked them for the very pretty chocolate that my mom enjoyed, because she did.  It was good.  But I also suggested they change the title line in the browser because it was misleading.  I did not ask for a refund.  I was not rude.  I simply pointed out that I was misled and would not like to see that happen to someone else.

Moonstruck’s rep emailed me back and needed me to describe what I was seeing because she was not seeing this title line.  I explained browsers and I sent a screenshot.  Her reply to this  sent me over the edge:

Thank you for your reply.  We appreciate your emails and the comments you mentioned.  We have again reviewed the site and pages in detail and do not see anything mentioning Dark Chocolate when referring to the Flower Pots.   The browser bar description is not referring to our flower pots and would most likely be displayed whether you were looking at our chocolate flower pots or boxed assorted chocolate collections, etc.  The verbiage does not come from Moonstruck Chocolate but from our web browser.

Ummm hello.  The verbiage does change from page to page.  It isn’t static all of the way through. And, more to the point – What do you mean it doesn’t come from Moonstruck Chocolate?  This is your page.  You own it.   

I didn’t want a refund.  It was MY fault for trusting the title line and not reading the description very carefully.  My mom did, enjoy the chocolate.  What I wanted was a thank you for bringing that to our attention and I’m sorry if this caused you to order a product you might otherwise not have ordered.  Even just a thanks for bringing this to our attention would have been FINE.  I would have blogged about the good tasting, pretty chocolate that was inexpensive (inexpensive being a relative term).  And I would have ordered from there again and again and again.

Now.  I’m not. 

If you run a web-based company and your title lines are misleading and misrepresentative of your product or your site then change them.  Or own up to the fact that you MIGHT be misleading people.  Do not tell me this is not your problem. Goodbye Moonstruck, it was not so nice knowing you. 

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Daily Dose of Coffee – Presents

Yesterday was "Beaning Day" aka our anniversary (for those of you who prefer things "normal").  The reason it is known as "Beaning Day" is TW presented me with a gold coffee bean charm to honor the occasion of official coupledom.  (We aren’t into that gay marriage thing, in case you didn’t know that) 

The gold coffee bean was presented to me four years ago and every year on Beaning Day I am given some gift or another, generally a coffee bean related gift.  I believe last year I was given a mobile made out of a couple of sticks, some fishing line and real coffee beans (spray painted I think, though in the dark office it is hard to tell and I’m not good at remembering those sorts of things.  TW is the marshmallowy romantic around here).  E calls it the flying coffee bean because in the dark office, you can’t see the string so it looks like the beans are just hanging in the air.

Yesterday, TW gave me a candy bar.  Hershey’s Caramel Cappucino Very amusing since I’m not really a fan of chocolate.  (FYI it wasn’t all that great.  The first bite, I liked.  After that, not so much.  I saved a piece for her and she didn’t like it at all.)  The candy bar was nice and made me laugh but that wasn’t the only gift.  She’d been griping about "fonts" for awhile for my "Beaning Day" present so I figured it was another webpage or a poem or a card or something. 

So 7:30am arrives and we’re heading to Starbucks on the way to take her to work.  She gets out of the car and I see she has her backpack slung over her shoulder.  I said ummm why are you carrying your backpack into Starbucks.  She blushed and giggled and I refused to go INTO Starbucks because obviously she was about to make some sort of huge production about Beaning Day IN STARBUCKS.  She put her backpack back in the car but pulled a piece of paper out of the bag.  I still refused to go in.  She swore it wouldn’t be "bad".  I grudgingly followed.  Griping all the way.  Griping while ordering.  I see her talking to the barista and I griped some more.

I’m standing at the side counter, in my normal spot.  Griping.  Waiting for whatever it is. Griping.  When I notice the cup in front of the barista looks funny.  Ha!  Cup #524!  Ha! Very very amusing!  TW created The Way I See It #524, put it on a label and had the barista put the label on the cup.  Cup #524 is very marshmallowy and very very amusing.  I’m soooo lucky.  How many women have a Starbucks cup created just for them? 

It was a nice Beaning Day.

And since  I’m here talking about coffee, I think I’ll toss in a mini review of the Bloggers Fuel coffee we tried last weekend, Blogs of Bravery .  It wasn’t nearly as good as the New Media Mavericks but Nurse Pam (who I generally think has excellent taste) seemed to like it.  It wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t great and I wouldn’t order it again.  This weekend, Bloggers Beach Blast!   

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Daily Dose of Cupcake Toppers

barrel.jpgSomeone was searching for monkey cupcake toppers so I thought I’d help with that today (besides, I like monkeys – particularly red-headed ones!). It’s hard to find just monkey cupcake toppers. It’s easy to find zoo animal toppers but not a package of just monkeys. So let’s ad-lib a little, ok? Why not use Barrel of Monkeys instead? Buy a barrel (or two) and put one monkey on each cupcake! Then buy the tiny keychain sized version to use as party favors. (You could retrieve the big monkeys from the cupcakes, wash them and give them to the birthday child if you like.)

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Daily Dose of Mom

The Ten on Tuesday assignment was to create a list of 10 things that remind you of your mom.  Of course I didn’t have time on Tuesday so here it is today… Happy Mother’s Day!

1) The Velveteen Rabbit
2) Moonstones
3) Instant Nestea Iced Tea
4) Hershey Special Dark
5) A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
6)  The color green
7) The monopoly shoe
8) The Carpenters
9) Schnauzers
10) Burnt toast

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Daily Dose of Diet – Pancakes

Portland_pancakehouseWe pulled into the parking lot of The Original Pancake House in Coral Springs, Florida at around 9:30 on a Sunday morning.  The parking lot wasn’t packed but it was definitely crowded.  The waiting area was packed and I began to worry about just how long our wait might be.  I was worrying needlessly, less than 5 minutes later we were on our way to a booth.

The menu at The Original Pancake House is a spiral bound, laminated pages type of thing with lots of pictures and even more advertisements for area establishments.  That’s not something I see very often.  Coffee was brought immediately, and a pretty nice cup of coffee it was.  After a lot of back and forth about what I would order or she would order or we would order, several items were eliminated due to the 20 minute prep time caution next to them.

The waitstaff was incredibly friendly and incredibly quick.  The kitchen was busy so there was indeed a wait for the food but the coffee flowed and we had a newspaper to entertain us. 

The mandarin crepes were pretty interesting.  I’m not a fan of crepes but these sounded particularly good and I’m glad we ordered them to share.  I ordered the original breakfast burrito and was pleasantly surprised with two breakfast burritos in a sun-dried tomato wrap.  The food wasn’t quite as hot as it could have been but it was fine.  And, it was good.  It’s rare to find a breakfast burrito without meat and asking for the meat to be left out invariably gets you a burrito with meat in it anyway.  TW ordered the Huevos Rancheros which were very hot and included a very large pan of vegetables.  It was a pretty dish and was served with pancakes on the side.

We had a very nice breakfast; good coffee, good food, good waitstaff.

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Daily Dose of Stuff – Monday

I’m jealous of Lee’s What is this doing in my house, Monday entry.  No fair! She should definitely send those to Florida!

This little toy I’m sharing today has history, or more importantly, memories.  This was my grandmother’s and everytime we would visit, we’d pull it out of the blue cabinet and we’d make a huge mess with the chips and the decks of cards stored along with it.  Grandma didn’t have a whole lot of toys specifically for her grandchildren.  In fact she didn’t have any.  We played with her toys – the poker chips, huge jewely boxes of Sarah Coventry, her weird stuffed animals, odd little gadgets that I never understood but was fascinated by – and of course, the rubber/plastic fruit.

The "old fashioned" chips are missing from this but the chip caddy still makes me smile an awful lot – and that’s why this weird thing is in my house – finally! (My brother finally handed it over to me on my last trip to Charleston.  Now if he’d give up my secretary…)

Here are links to others playing the game – if you’re playing, feel free to add your link!

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Daily Dose of Education – Field Trips

TW is not at work today.  Instead, she  is sitting on a bus with a bunch of second graders watching her most favorite movie of all time, (ha), Madagascar!  The bus is on its way to the Florida Aquarium.  Don’t you just love field trips?  Or not?  I was trying to come up with some fun field trip memories and coming up a little bit empty which seemed odd,  but upon reflection it’s not so odd. 

When Jenn was in pre-school, Kinder and First Grade we lived in the Philippines.  No field trips, except for mini trips to various squadrons to see what the daddies (and the very rare mommy) did at work.  We were there during the time of Cori Aquino and there were constant shootings outside of the base, military members kidnapped, lots of security threats.  We traveled as a family while in the Philippines but buses full of school kids roaming the country was not something the DoD or the DoDDS wanted to deal with. 

Then we moved onto northern California and Jenn and Chris did manage to go on some field trips.  I attended very few which again seems odd until I think about it.  First issue – I had an infant and a husband who was gone all of the time and I didn’t then nor do I now do the daycare thing.  Second issue – I was really not all that into field trips at school because I was constantly taking a Girl Scout troop on some trip, somewhere. 

Then it was onto Panama (think Canal not Florida) where again the field trips were few and far between for both Chris and Jenn, which seems odd and upon reflection still seems odd.  There were some – to the canal, to Panama Viejo, to Summit Gardens but it seems like there weren’t too many.  Michelle was in pre-school, Kinder and First Grade and I did attend quite a few field trips with her class.  But again, I avoided field trips if I could because I was always taking a Girl Scout troop or a Cub Scout troop on some trip, somewhere. 

After that, New Jersey.  Ack.  More field trips for the kids in this location; Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, etc… I attended one trip to the Statue of Liberty and another to a farm and that’s about it.  Again the Girl Scout trip thing.

In SC and here in FL I avoided field trips completely, yea me!  My pre-teen/teen wasn’t all that hot for field trips in either location.  She has crowd issues and noise issues and by the time she hit 12, field trips held no fascination or fun – just anxiety.  I can understand that.  Being surrounded by noisy, over-excited kids can make it difficult to relax, to have fun, or to learn.

I’m betting TW comes home with lots of fun stories about the trip and I know E will.  And I’ll be almost jealous that I didn’t get to go.  Almost.

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Daily Dose of TV – Dr Who and K-9

K9I was a pretty big Dr Who fan back in the late 70’s and early, early 80’s.  I loved Tom Baker and I adored K-9.  I sooo wanted to name a stray puppy we found in a box after Dr Who’s canine robot but I was out voted.  Apparently my vote counted less because I had previous dog naming experience so it was not my turn to name a dog.  I was out voted again during the naming of the next dog too because Jennifer’s vote counted more than mine.  I even attempted to name a cat "K-9" and Christopher had a FIT because nobody should have a name with just one letter and one number.  (The boy was weird even then)

I’m pleased to see someone has found K-9 rusting in a cabinet and he’s being brought back to life – even if it is only for one episode and a cartoon series.  I’m pleased even if I never get to see his return to Dr Who or his cartoon-self.  Memories of Dr Who marathons and just knowing K-9 is alive and well is enough for me.

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Daily Dose of TV – Turn It Off, Gilmore Girls?

Yippeee! It’s TV Turnoff Week! A holiday I won’t be celebrating but have no guilt over not celebrating.   It’s not that I don’t believe television has played a role in obesity, it has.  I’m not willing to make television the scapegoat though.  And, I just don’t watch enough TV to worry about it.  Nor do our kids.  I’m in the "everything is good in moderation" camp and that includes mindless fluffy TV.

Speaking of mindless fluffy TV – I’m tempted to celebrate that news that the Palladinos didn’t come to an agreement with WB/UPN and will be leaving Gilmore Girls after this season.  On second thought, that idea feels a wee bit hollow.  For the first few years I think the Palladinos made some really good television with Gilmore Girls.  It’s a pity they’ve turned the show into mindless fluff that doesn’t even make sense based on the history and character of the characters they worked so hard to create in the first place.  (though that scene last week with Lauren Graham giving the drunk "toast" was fantastic, Lorelai should not have been in that position in the first place)

I don’t watch much TV and it’s a shame that one of the two hours a week that I do watch has become a lot less enjoyable.  Maybe next year, without the Palladinos, will be a better one for Stars Hollow fans.  If it isn’t, I won’t feel at all sad about watching just one hour of TV a week.

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