Family Funk

Daily Dose of Travel – Atlanta

We’ll be heading to Atlanta soon.  We being me, TW and Michelle.  This weekend will be part of Michelle’s 16th birthday celebration – woohoo!  (Did I sound properly enthusiastic?  Let me try again WOOHOOOO!)

We’re staying at the Beautiful Mid-Town Wyndham.  We’re going shopping at the Junkman’s Daughter (or whatever it’s called) in L5P.  We’re going to hit the bookstore, Charis, that I recently blogged about.  I think we’ll take Michelle to Mary Mac’s ’cause everyone needs to go to a southern tea room, once.  Besides there are tons of vegetarian choices!  The most important part of this trip though is…


Michelle is getting a grown up bedroom for her birthday so we’re hitting IKEA in order to do that.  This will be her virgin IKEA visit and only the second visit for me and TW.  Someone remind me to bring the camera!  We’re excited!  WOOHOOOO!

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Daily Dose of Memories – Stray Kids

I take in stray kids.  It’s what I do.  When I say I have 6 1/2 kids, the 1/2 child is the stray currently living here part time.  I’ve always done this.  I assume I will always do this.  Luckily, TW is understanding and a stray kid collector too. 

Tonight I’m suppose to be writing a challenge or finishing a report or writing a Blogher post but none of those are happening because I’m thinking about a stray kid from long ago.  We lost track of her along the way and she’s resurfaced today.

Aud "lived with us" when we were in Panama.  She didn’t REALLY live with us, but she may as well have.  Her mom was in the Air Force and no dad had been in her life for a very long time.  Her mom worked the odd hours expected of those in the AF and she was a single woman who wanted a social life, too.  So she was busy.  And I was a mom.  And Jenn (the oldest of the brood) was Aud’s best friend.  It made sense for Aud to live with us five days a week. Well mostly it made sense.  Sometimes Jenn was jealous because Michelle adored Aud.  Sometimes Jenn was jealous because she thought I gave Aud special favors or attention that she didn’t get.  Sometimes Jenn just wanted some time to herself, without Aud.  But mostly it made sense.

Aud and her mom headed for Germany while we headed for NJ.  We saw her again the next summer, she came to stay with us but left early because Jenn had moved on and she felt left out of the crowd.  Mostly I think she left because she had turned a corner in her life and the path she had chosen wasn’t Jenn’s. 

We lost track of her again for few more years and then out of the blue she called to say mom had kicked her out, she was going to join the Army and don’t worry, she’d keep in touch.  Then she vanished again.  Until today.  Thank you My Space.

Jenn and Michelle tracked her down over Christmas but didn’t tell me in case she didn’t want to be contacted.  She and Jenn have been emailing and calling each other for a few days and Jenn called to tell me tonight.

Apparently after her mom kicked her out, there was more trouble.  Trouble that involves probation and a record and newspaper clippings about "incidents".  Jenn told me where to find the whole story on My Space but you know me, I have "Denise Rules" about such things so I didn’t look.  I looked at her photos and smiled and sent her a message asking her to add me to her friends list.  If she wants me to read her blog, she’ll tell me herself.  Until then, I’ll just sit here and look at the old photos and wonder if things would have been different if we’d kept her with us.  Probably not.  But I still wonder.  And I know I would never have kicked her out when she was 16, not for any reason. 


Aud, Steph, Jenn – B.F.F.

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Daily Dose of Parenting – Queer Advice

**Edited to add… click into Dr P’s blog and his comments now.  He was linked in Grand Rounds today and I think we have one example of the kind of parent who would do this.**

I never thought I’d be linking to Dr P’s blog.  I don’t really have much need for pediatric advice (knock on wood).  I’m not even sure why I read Dr P’s blog today.  I clicked it by accident and there I was, looking at "God Bless P-Town".  Huh?  What does P-Town have to do with pediatrics or even Dr P?  I figured I might should read it and find out… even if it is really LONG.

I’ve never actually met anyone who was tossed out by their parents because they came out.  I have met some teens who are sure they will be.  I have one living with me half of the time who insists his parents don’t like his relationship choices (he’s bi) – personally I think they just don’t like his life choices in general but that’s another story – but I don’t think they’ve ever tossed him out for being bi.  I can’t imagine kicking a child out of your home, for any reason.  It was hard enough to watch Michelle leave when she thought she wanted to live with her dad.  Someone suggested recently I shouldn’t let Chris move back in, how could I not?  He’s my child.  Ya know?

How will you deal with your feelings if your child grows up to be other than you want them to be?  Better think about it now, while your children are young – it happens.  Often.

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Daily Dose of Kids – The Meaning of Life

I picked the little girls up from school and they both launched into their list of homework for the day.  E happily informed me she had to write a story (as always on Monday).  It had to be a story about a time when she opened a box and could be fiction.  It had to be three whole paragraphs which is bad but it’s ok because she did not have to use her spelling words, yea!  So RJ being RJ launched into ideas for the story.  E grouchily told her NO each time.  So RJ launched into a rambling story about stealing a box from some evil mutant and opening it to find some weird bomb that she would have to difuse in order to save the world.  Upon difusing said bomb the world would be all chocolate and rainbows and happy goodness and at last we’d all know the meaning of life.

I said ummm that sounds like an RJ story and not an E story, so I don’t think it’s a good idea.  A good story, definitely but why the meaning of life, I asked?  "Well duh, everyone wants to know the meaning of life, don’t you," was her reply.  "I already know the meaning of life, so no I don’t need you to difuse a bomb and get some special power.  But thanks".

She was surprised that I knew the meaning of life and wanted me to spill the beans.  So I attempted to explain that some things you have to learn on your own – things like love and God or spirituality and the meaning of life because my answer might not be her answer.  She said "Oh like in Eragon when so and so couldn’t tell so and so his real name because he had to find it himself and get power from that".  Yea, she gets it!

So we talked along this vein for quite some time, pondering the books she’d read where a message like finding the answer for yourself and not accepting someone else’s answer is important.  Sometimes it seemed like she was really understanding this idea and then she’d head off into a ramble about tigers and bears and morphing (she’s an Animorphs fan) and how that’s not real but she learned lessons from that.  But then she’d head back into the other direction and talk some more about how to tell if you’re on the right path to finding the answers to those kinds of questions.  All very interesting, especially the part when she talks about sometimes getting confused about whether something she read in a Fantasy novel was real life and real life was really a fantasy.  Ha, she’s 10 after all!

The kicker of this was the final question, the one she seemed most interested in wanting an answer to… brace yourself… "Is there such thing as a living death?"   huh? she wants to know about vampires or zombies?  So I ask her to define living death.  "When you’re alive but something happens that is so awful you feel like it is death, like you’re dead."  Well.  Ummm.  I took a breath and said "Yes RJ, there is such a thing.  Not everyone has that kind of experience in their life,  but some people do feel like they have experienced a living death.  And if you want to talk about it more, we can do that when you’re older."   Which was fine with her because apparently living death  was a cool thing  because when I said it doesn’t happen to everyone she launched into Eragon again and something about dragon eggs only hatching for some people.  Geez.  So she thinks surving a living death means you’re special, like a dragon hatcher person?  And maybe this is something to strive for?  Are we sure I didn’t give birth to this particular child?   Because sometimes it really seems that way.

At least it appears as though we get to put off real life discussions about emotional pain and dying a thousand deaths for awhile.  Now I just have to figure out how to keep her talking about dragon eggs til she’s 20 or so… any ideas about how to do that?  With this particular child?  Because she’s making me nervous.

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Daily Dose of Friends – Memories

Hi Food Julia.  🙂

Isn’t it funny how old friends seem to arrive back in your life in batches?  Does that happen to you or just to me?

First, I noticed some fancy lawyer spent an inordinate amount of time on my blog.  Hmmm.  Made me a wee bit nervous til I googled and then I laughed – jordanplusmom aka jorvia.  Arrived by searching my "old name" and "iVillage".  Ha.  It was fun to chat with her on AIM the next day, see photos of her far too grown up babies and just catch up a bit.  It had been close to four years since I last spoke with her.

Then Food Julia who I noticed was visiting me today.  TW actually tracked her down and has been talking to her which is as it should be, isn’t it? All of that bonding over dirty girl lip gloss and foodie stuff and poetry and well whatever else they bonded over.

And then BAM out of the blue catnmouse came back home and is happily chatting away about riding naked and wandering around with rainbow people.  It’s almost like she never left. 

When I did my registration for BlogHer I had to put something down about how blogging had made a difference in my life and I briefly talked about connecting with new and interesting people and staying in touch with old friends.  The old friends part has been really cool lately.

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Daily Dose of Kids – Memories

Badgerbag, on whom I have this weird blog crush fascination cause she scares me, wrote an interesting and thought provoking essay on Mommybloggers last week.  It inspired me to talk about a little childhood memory issue we laugh about here at the Flamingo House… Proof that a child’s memory of an event, even at the age of 11, is different from the memory her parents have of the same event.

Picture September of 2001, the week after 9/11.  I don’t know the exact date it was a weekend, still definitely September.  TW drove up to SC as she often did.  Chris was off somewhere with his friends and for some reason I decided we would go to the Clemson Little Theatre and see Cinderella.  With Michelle.  And before that, we would take her to dinner at Friends, our most favorite restaurant in Anderson.

Sounds ok, right?  Well ummm, no.  It was doomed from the start.  First of all, I am not at my best in September.  I’m moody and quiet and sullen and not in the mood to deal with anyone else’s feelings or moodyness.  Always a risk to do something unusual, not in the general routine of things or stressful with me in September.  And of course there was the fact that Michelle and TW were still feeling their way into this weird relationship.  Territorial behavior was always a possibility with them.  Again, not something I deal well with when I’m at my best and did I mention it was September?

We have dinner and that’s fine.  Weird but fine.  We drive to Pendleton and we’re ok.  TW on the aisle, me in the middle and then Michelle beside of me.  And for some reason, 9/11 maybe (?), they decided they needed to have us stand up for the National Anthem and then announced that we’d have a moment of silence in memory of those who lost their lives in 9/11.  This was too much for TW and she did what she always does … she giggled.  out loud.  during the moment of silence.  I wanted to kill her.  Michelle looked like she wanted to crawl under the seats and go sit with a normal family.

We survived the first portion of the play, and at intermission we wandered to a nice little room with food and beverage and I tried very hard not to just walk out and sit in the car for the rest of the play.  Michelle was quiet and stuck close to me and as far from TW as she could get.  It was not pretty.  We went back in, watched the rest of the play and then it was over.  We get in TW’s car – this was back when we still let TW drive lol and head home.

Five minutes into the drive, Michelle my hypochondriac child, began to threaten to barf.  Angel hair onion rings which she loved but we were evil for forcing her to eat.  Threatening to barf these angel hair onion rings because of TW’s driving.  It was making her queasy.  So TW stopped at the gas station, got into the backseat, put Michelle in front and I drove us home.  I was not amused by this.  At all.  I was done with the both of them.

We made it home.  Michelle barfed up her onion rings and swore never to eat them again.  (Even now, the smell of angel hair onion rings sends her to the bathroom.  Even mentioning them will get her to growl at you about barfing).  I collapsed and the rest of the evening in the dark attic bedroom was less than pretty. 

Since then TW and I have referred to the infamous Cinderella weekend – when nothing goes right, but you’re still together and glad to be together.  Michelle, however, often waxes poetic about what a great time she had going to see Cinderella with us at Clemson.  She does not seem to remember the moment of silence fiasco, her mother’s stoney silence or her whining that TW’s driving was what was causing her to feel like barfing.  No.  All she remembers was what a wonderful time she had at that doggone play.  With us.  Her two moms.  Who she loves.

Kids and memories.  You cannot predict what they will remember or what spin they will put to their memories.  All you can predict is that they won’t quite the same as yours.. 

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Daily Dose of Travel – Underwear and Socks

I’ve been saving this What we’re taking list of Lee and Sachi’s for days now.  It’s interesting to think about what to pack on a year long trip around the world.  And it’s even more interesting to peek at someone else’s list.  Go ahead, give it a click.  It’s sort of fascinating, isn’t it?

I’m a light packer and I like that they’ve gone pretty light (except for all of the technology and medication – I’d go half on all of that).  I keep going back to the underwear (especially since they’ve vowed never to wear dirty underwear for more than 5 days) and the socks.  Especially the socks.  There is nothing worse than wet socks except of course dirty, wet socks.  I think they need to ditch all of that deodorant and each take at least one more pair of socks.

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Daily Dose of Health – Vomit

I was all set to have a coffee date with two of my favorite coworkers, Snead and Leona when I get an email from Snead saying "sorry, can’t make it – Harry’s doing that vomiting thing again".  Darn.

I didn’t know what that vomiting thing was but regardless, it can’t be good.  Snead with auto-immune issues doesn’t need a bug in the house and who would want that cute boy to be sick?  Talked to Snead a bit later and she started describing what was going on – just out of the blue vomit, feel better thing that happens once every few weeks.  Weird.  Allergy?  But to what?  Or maybe, it’s this thing that TW and I are beginning to suspect with Michelle – Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (free registration required).

I make a lot of jokes about my hypochondriac child (she gets that from her father’s side of the family) but maybe this is real?  She’s got a lot of the symptoms – happens around the same time every month, out of the blue, she has migraines and she has panic attacks.  It happens right before menstruation but we’ve tried hormonal birth control and that doesn’t seem to help.  Besides, her doctor says her hormone levels seem pretty ok.  Endo?  She doesn’t have all of the symptoms of that, but she does have some.

And yet, she’s always been the barf kid.  She didn’t tolerate breast milk or regular formula and only barely tolerated soy formula.  She gets car sick (and not just when TW drives).  She doesn’t handle food smells very well either.  She barfs when she’s eating a really well balanced diet.  She vomits when she’s eating junk food.  She vomits when she’s eating no food. She vomits vegetarian.  She vomits high protein.  You name it, she barfs.

So maybe it’s CVS?  Who knows, but Tuesday I’ll mention it to her doctor and probably get blown off.  It’s something to consider as we try and sort through this, isn’t it?

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Daily Dose of Chicken – Religion

Poor Sassymonkey has a problem. Some chicken that I, vegetarian that I am, though sounded yummy gave her some tummy troubles. I can relate. When I eat meat, (yea I know, vegetarians aren’t suppose to eat meat – sue me), I have that problem too. It doesn’t usually happen with chicken though.

BK Whoppers, Big Macs, Arby’s Beef n Cheddar – bad for tummy. A bit of roasted chicken, no problem. (Yea, I know. Vegetarians aren’t suppose to eat meat. I’m sorry you’re confused – get over it. It’s my life, my stomach, my stand!)

I wonder why chicken bugs the monkey girl. It’s lean. Relatively easy on every tummy. Hmmm. Maybe God is trying to tell her she needs to find religion and do it through the chicken?

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Daily Dose of Music – MP3 Players

I mentioned in my ABC’s of 2005 that six MP3 players have come through our home this year and now you folks get my oh so knowledgable review. I know you’ve been waiting for this before buying your own MP3 players, haven’t you?

First, the iRiver H10. TW bought this for me for my birthday and at first I was just a wee bit disappointed because I really really wanted an iPod Nano. But within moments, disappointment was a distant memory and has never returned. The iRiver is easy to use, it’s quick and it’s sturdy. Love, love, love this little toy so very much. Loved it so much that I bought one for my oldest daughter for Christmas and I do believe she also loves it.

Next into our world was the Samsung YP-T8X purchased for the 10 year old for her birthday by her father and stepmother. It’s got a really nice display and it is shiny shiny. It plays video but she’s only got a 512mb player and that’s just not going to work. I don’t believe the display and shiny shiny is really worth the money money for that tiny player.

Oddly enough, TW and I had purchased a Creative MUVO for that same 10 year old’s birthday. Easy to use, batteries seem to last a pretty long time. The only problem is the buttons don’t feel “substantial”. They feel like they could be easily broken. But so far, so good. She likes the interchangeable color cases but seems to be sticking with the red. And, she’s had some fun with the voice recorder.

Next up, the iRiver T30 for Michelle for Christmas. Similar to the Creative but the buttons are more substantial. The menu navigation is a little tough to get use to at first (though that could be related to the fact that I’ve played with so many players in the last 3 months) but Michelle has it sussed and is thrilled with it. Nice loud sound, which she loves.

And last but certainly not least, Chris NEEDED the iPod Nano. He could not be persuaded otherwise. He’s an apple nut and loyal til the end. So, his father purchased the Nano. When it arrived, I did what I had done for all of the other kids, I started loading some music on it so they could listen to something besides the pre-loaded crud that arrives with these things. The nav wheel is sensitive! And there are soooo many menu options, I got lost quickly. Then the darn thing wouldn’t turn off and I had to reset it. Sheesh. (Did I mention my brief moment of disappointment at not getting a Nano never returned?) But, it is pretty and tiny and light and I knew he would love it – and he did. I just hope he doesn’t break it or lose it, he’s not the most ummm responsible of the six children… And, I surely hope iTunes is easier to use on a Mac than it is on a PC. What a pain in the rear that was.

There you have it, my MP3 player reviews. The one thing they all had in common was my pure HATRED for putting those little felty covers on the ear buds. That just stunk, with every single player!

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